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Who's Got The Vermin Condition On There FAC ?

Bazooka Joe

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Yes, in all likelihood they will pop round, but, and it is a big but, my ticket is valid for 5 years irrespective of address. I still have permissions and good reason so there is no case to revoke it.


In law there is no cause to change anything or reprint. I do not allow Police forces to make the law up as they go along, so I shall be complying wholly with the law and I expect them to do the same. It's simple, and it's fair.


It might well be simple and fair and i agree wholeheartedly that both you and the police should act within what is the law.

However you know as well as i do the police are answerable to no one and do as they please, i'm afraid to say that its a case of "if you want a licence, you do as we say."

Non compliance with the way they want to run things will only cause bother and believe me they will remember you when it comes to things such as variations and renewal time.

That mate is the sad fact of FAC administrstion in this country.




PS. Where abouts in Northants are you moving to?

Edited by Vermincinerator
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I think the police have a very difficult job with regards firearms licensing. If they make it too easy for guns to be purchased they are slagged off. If they make it too hard for shooters to get guns they are slagged off for it. I think we should have a national firearms licensing department to get national uniformity and we need tight regulations to stop unsuitable people getting firearms.


It really grips my Sh#t when I hear people knocking them all the time, I have a lot of friends that are police officers and we need to support them not crucify them.


Before we start slagging them off we need to ask ourselves a question...Why wont they let me do this or have this ????...... Hopefully you will then reflect and see the light before you start slagging them off. Half the time they are just stopping chavs have guns that they don't need or shouldn't have anyway.

Edited by robbobsam
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It might well be simple and fair and i agree wholeheartedly that both you and the police should act within what is the law.

However you know as well as i do the police are answerable to no one and do as they please, i'm afraid to say that its a case of "if you want a licence, you do as we say."

Non compliance with the way they want to run things will only cause bother and believe me they will remember you when it comes to things such as variations and renewal time.

That mate is the sad fact of FAC administrstion in this country.




PS. Where abouts in Northants are you moving to?

I'm off to Daventry.


I've found with Thames Valley that you can disagree and settle disputes amicably and if you can state your case then generally you can get what you need. So long as the sentiment is similar then that's cool, but what I won't take is muppets who won't budge and cite a 'policy' - the basic underpinning principle of firearms licensing is that each case must be considered on its own merits - which basically stops policies!


When I move I shall inform Thames Valley and request they inform the relevant authority in Northants and we'll go from there. Don't have a problem with changing address on FAC and so long as there is no effect on what I can shoot, I don't mind a change of conditions wording either.

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Oh, and to Mr Troll - I don't think anyone is slagging off the Police, merely saying they're not perfect. They do have a tricky job to do and simplification from Government is needed, but the fact remains that from time to time they can be unnecessarily obstinate, and if you look on these forums you get enough examples that it's not just a myth!

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Ha! im in Daventry mate, your FEO will be a chap called Bob Smith, you will get on very well with him, he is one these FEO's who is often wrong and will proceed to tell you that you are wrong as well.

Have fun :lol:




I am also close to Daventry.


Bob is also my FEO, and I happen to get on with him very well indeed. Be open and honest with him and you'll be OK.


He is a keen shooter as well as an FEO and does not like people trying to pull the wool over his eyes.


He also does not have a lot of time for 'pretenders'.

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I believe that hawkeye has been in touch with basc and then subsequently with cleveland police (my area) and that whilst they are still shaking their heads at vermin for centerfire they will now add "ground game" I may have it wrong but? but I was at the police headquarters with him toady whilst he put his ticket in to be changed, It will be interesting to see what wording is used when he gets it back ( probably tommorow or the day after)


cheers KW

Got it back the following day it now says.......243 & mod & ammunition shall be used for shooting deer and for zeroing on ranges, or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot..


Then further down it states


223 rifle & mod 243 rifle & mod ( left out serial numbers) and ammunition shall be used for shooting fox and for zeroing on ranges, or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot. Only whilst out shooting fox the named weapons may also be used for shooting vermin and ground game ...


end of conditions..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should read; Who's Got The Vermin Condition On There FAC for Centrefire ?



Recently my FAC came up for renewal, all went well at the FEO Interview...just a young bloke, who was easy to talk to, I spent the best part of an hour & a half discussing Shooting/FAC/Conditions Etc.


I decided to ask for the Vermin Condition to be added on mine for a 223, & a 243, & he didn't have any objection at all, if fact said it made a lot of sense. Reading threads on a couple of different forums have brought this into the limelight, & a few members who requested this condition to be amended on there certs, had it granted.


So back to me.....my FAC landed back the other day, & to my amazement the condition hasn't being granted. So I phoned the FEO, his answer was that he'd sent all that we talked about into the FLO, if I wanted any more info, to talk to the FLO direct, which I have.


The answer Durham gave was they don't issue the Vermin Condition on Centre fire Rifles, because they are to Powerful :blink:


I now have an ongoing issue regarding this with the powers that be, I don't think my request for this is over the top, especially after the ACPO have recommended this condition be added for Centre Fire Rifles.


So, who got this condition on there cert, which force, & most of all did you have any problems like above ?





Here in Northern Ireland I have for almost 30 years put on my Grant/Renewal "for Vermin control & Sporting purposes" this seems to the normal request from anyone I know, I've never know anyone to be refused this request, it covers all types of shooting without any complications .



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if it helps mine says the following conditions

this certificate is issued subjet to the following conditions. it is an offence to fail to comply with any of the conditions below. maximun penalty for non-compliance: six months imprisonment and/or a fine.

1 the holder must, on receipt of the certificate, sign it in ink with his usual signiture.

2 the holder of this certificate must inform the chief officer of police by whom the certificate was granted within seven days of the theft, loss or destruction in great britain of the certificate.

3 the holder of the certificate must. without undue delay, inform the chief officer of police by whom the certificate was granted of any change in his permanent address.

4(A) the firearms and ammunition to which the certificate relates must at all times (except in the circumstances set out in paragraph (B) below) be stored securely so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, access to the firearms or ammunition by an unathorised person.

4 (B) where a firearm or ammuntion to which the certificate relates is in use or the holder of the certificate has the firearm with him for the purpose of cleaning, repairing or testing it or for some other purpose connected with its use, transfer, or sale, or the firearm or ammuntion is in transit to or from a place in connection with its use or any such purpose, reasonable precautions must be taken for the safe custody of the firearm or the ammunition.


5 the .22RF rifle and the .22 sound moderator and the .22RF ammuntion shall be used for the shooting of vermin and for zeroing on ranges, or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot.

6 the .22/250 rifle and the .22/250 ammuntion shall be used for the shooting of fox and for zeroing on ranges, or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot.

7 the .243 rifle and the .243 sound moderator and the .243 ammuntion shall be used for the shootong of deer and fox on land in scotland deemed suitable by the chief officer of police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot.

8 the certificate holder may possess, purchase or aquire expanding ammunition, or the missiles of such ammunition, in the calibres authorised by this certificate and use only in connection with : (a) the lawful shooting of deer

(B) the shooting or vermin or, in connection with the managment of any estate, other wildlife.

***************** end of conditions*************************

GOOD OLD EAST YORKSHIRE POLICE please in your terms whats all this mean

PS i have them but dont use them ( the guns )

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Firstly i would like to say, i see you have calibre specific moderators.

This means lawfully, you cant put the 243 mod on your 22-250 without breaking the conditions of you FAC.


I read your conditions as follows excepting the zeroing on ranges.


Your .22 rimfire rifle, mod and ammo are on an open condition and you may shoot vermin anywhere that you have lawful permission to do so.


Your 22-250 and ammo is also on an open condition but you can only shoot fox anywhere you have lawful permission to shoot.

Shoot a rabbit with your 22-250 and you will be breaking the conditions of your FAC.


Now your 243, mod and ammo are on a closed condition and with that you can only shoot deer and fox in SCOTLAND and only on land that has been cleared for that calibre!

Shoot your 243 in England or wales and you will be breaking the conditions of your FAC!!


I really cant understand why you have a condition that only allows you to shoot your 243 in Scotland



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Firstly i would like to say, i see you have calibre specific moderators.

This means lawfully, you cant put the 243 mod on your 22-250 without breaking the conditions of you FAC.


I read your conditions as follows excepting the zeroing on ranges.


Your .22 rimfire rifle, mod and ammo are on an open condition and you may shoot vermin anywhere that you have lawful permission to do so.


Your 22-250 and ammo is also on an open condition but you can only shoot fox anywhere you have lawful permission to shoot.

Shoot a rabbit with your 22-250 and you will be breaking the conditions of your FAC.


Now your 243, mod and ammo are on a closed condition and with that you can only shoot deer and fox in SCOTLAND and only on land that has been cleared for that calibre!

Shoot your 243 in England or wales and you will be breaking the conditions of your FAC!!


I really cant understand why you have a condition that only allows you to shoot your 243 in Scotland




thats what i dont no m8 its all messed up

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