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pigeons flocking yet ?

decoying mad

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as above i have done alot of driving the last couple of weeks and noticed that the birds seem to be in large groups 30 to 50 bird gangs


is it this time of year that they will start to flock or is it just a coincidence that they are flying in large numbers field to field:hmm:


as anyone else noticed them in larger gangs


cheers dm

Edited by decoying mad
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as above i have done alot of driving the last couple of weeks and noticed that the birds seem to be in large groups 30 to 50 bird gangs


is it this time of year that they will start to flock or is it just a coincidence that they are feeding in large numbers :good:


as anyone else noticed them in larger gangs


cheers dm

Pigeons normally feed in large numbers throughout the year. Flocking up is when they fly together in large groups.

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I've done reccys on my permissions the last 3 weeks running to find those kind of numbers down in the stubble but when I put them up they seem to go up and then not come back. When I setup on the same place a day or two after I'm getting the odd pair coming over and taking a look at my decoys but only a few coming in and nothing like in the numbers I've seen on the ground in previous days! Bags are still mostly Crow's!


Would kill for a good pigeon bag right now!

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A couple of months ago I was lucky enough to get an invite to shoot some pigeons on standing corn and they were in such big groups it was like the 'old days' of the sixties and seventies.

I could not load my side by side quick enough so I bought an Auto.

Since then the corn and rape has all been harvested and now there isn't more than one or two pigeons about.

I drive round the fields every day hoping but have had no luck so far and as a result have a nice new shiny Auto that hasn't had a shot fired through it yet. I am hoping to be able to use it before the guarantee runs out unused :good:

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