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The Beauty of Early Mornings!


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I went out just after dawn this morning to check the cage traps as I always do and was greeted by these scenes when I got to the farm. Scenes like this with the low lying mist really seem to bring out the beauty of these Autumn early mornings in our area and make life worth living. The only thing that could have made things any better would have been the roe deer that I so often see in this area in the mornings! Oh well, we can't have it all can we!




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Awsome pics lez - get them sent into the countryfile calendar comp i,m sure theres a winner there :hmm:



Thank you- Im sure thers no winner there


heres a couple more

Oak Bark









Back lit Oak - purple filter



and my fave so far


spiders webs in the dew



sorry Frenchie I seem to have nicked your thread - oops


Les :hmm:

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Hey Les, that's a real good collection of pics you have there. As for knicking the thread, don't worry mate, there's more than enough room for all of us so you just keep those quality photos coming mate!



Thanks- I just point and shoot- a little like my 223 :good:


Les :D

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