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first day on new permission.


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Well, what can i say. :good: :good: :good:


Arrived at the farm 8am, unpacked and walked down to where the farmer had shown me the day before. Saw a few crows, so decided to set up where they had been feeding.



First thing i noticed this morning, was that it was cold. Bloody cold in fact, and id forgoten my gloves. :good:


After an hour, no birds came in, but they were very busy in the next field :D so i packed up and moved a couple hundred meters.


Got my pattern set up, and the birds started to come in. Managed to hit two over 30 mins, and then as i pulled left to crack a very easy bird, my eyes were just drawn to this................................. police.jpg

:yes: Great, just my luck!


Unloaded, gun slipped, and over i slowly walked, arms outstretched in a Jesus Christ pose. As i neared the vans, i shouted...."Hello, anybody there?", half expecting the cast of Miami Vice to leap out, MP5's at the ready.......but nothing. :hmm:

I carried on to the vans and as i got to the open drivers side door, they are all sat there having brews and sandwiches. :hmm:


"hello chaps, are you looking for me?" i asked, ..."No mate, we are just here walking the Police Dogs. We wondered why you were walking over to us with your arms like that!" :blush:


Feeling like a right ***. i made my way back to the hide, slipped on the mud and twisted my ankle. :no::angry: :angry:


Anyways, the birds came right into the pattern and i ended up with 6 crows and 2 pigeons. To my utter shame i missed three crows that flew right in and sat in the middle of the deeks. :blush: . Should have had about 30, but being a gay shot, i need more practice.

Didnt take a pic of the bag, as i had a tick stuck to my head and thought it more important to get rid of that.








A very nice place, and lots of birds. cant wait to get back. (sore ankle and all) :good: :good: :good:

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i made another classic MM gaffe as well :yes:


There was an elderly couple a few fields away training hawks. I thought id go over and intoduce myself, and offer a pigeon. A pigeon id just shot, with lead shot! :D


They were very understanding though :good:

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Martin sounds like you had a good day , can you imagine the chat on the police forum , "the idiot section"


funny thing happen today lads , just having a break and a sarny and this numpty in cammo gear walking like Jesus across a plowed field , tries to hand himself in by saying "are you looking for me" so asked was he on medication , he said no so I sent him on his merry way mincing back across the plowed field , some right ***** in Morton , :D

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Martin sounds like you had a good day , can you imagine the chat on the police forum , "the idiot section"


funny thing happen today lads , just having a break and a sarny and this numpty in cammo gear walking like Jesus across a plowed field , tries to hand himself in by saying "are you looking for me" so asked was he on medication , he said no so I sent him on his merry way mincing back across the plowed field , some right ***** in Morton , :D




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