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The French


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A couple of points. There was earlier mention of the French Resistance. You will need to do some historical research on this, but in reality, the French Resistance was largely mythical except where it was bolstered by the SAS.


And apparently, if the SAS is to be commanded and deployed by the French, they will have to learn a few new commands including the orders "Run Away!" and "Surrender!"


Never mind the Germans, or Al Quaieda for that matter, our real enemy are the French whom we have shot for centuries. I see no reason why we should stop now.

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A couple of points. There was earlier mention of the French Resistance. You will need to do some historical research on this, but in reality, the French Resistance was largely mythical except where it was bolstered by the SAS.


And apparently, if the SAS is to be commanded and deployed by the French, they will have to learn a few new commands including the orders "Run Away!" and "Surrender!"


Never mind the Germans, or Al Quaieda for that matter, our real enemy are the French whom we have shot for centuries. I see no reason why we should stop now.


An obvious Keyboard Warrior. I class myself as part french and I am proud of it! Would you like to try shooting me?

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I see that we have a some more Keyboard Warriors jumping on this thread. Do you all think you are clever or hard while you can hide behind your keyboards. I would suggest that the mods shut this thread down rather quickly because I for one am not prepared to sit back and take any more of this racist and downright insulting **** that these gobby idiots are printing and if speaking my mind means getting banned then so be it!

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I see that we have a some more Keyboard Warriors jumping on this thread. Do you all think you are clever or hard while you can hide behind your keyboards. I would suggest that the mods shut this thread down rather quickly because I for one am not prepared to sit back and take any more of this racist and downright insulting **** that these gobby idiots are printing and if speaking my mind means getting banned then so be it!


Get a grip.


No different to people taking the pee out of 'thick paddies', sheep worrying Welshmen', 'arrogant Englishmen' or 'drunken Jocks'

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Agree with bluebarrels - impressive stuff.


Remember frenchy - opinions are like *********, everyone has one and

some around here are seriously opinionated!


Opinions are one thing but racist insults (Which is what much of this thread appears to be) are out of order and I am not prepared to sit back and take this sort of insulting rubbish from these idiots who hide behind their keybaords and talk out of their big fat back sides! Up to now i have stayed reasonably polite, I might not be so polite if this continues!

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Actually the French fought with superhuman determination in WW1 and took incredible losses. If they hadn't stopped the Germans at the Marne in 1914 the war would have been over in weeks.

Read up about the fighting at Verdun in 1916, immense conflict yet they still fought along side us at the Somme in the same year with arguably more sucess. On the first day of the Somme the French took virtually all of their objectives, we took none of ours.


We think we won the First World War but it was the French that held the Germans back and ground them down, not us.


By late 1917 the British Army was under the overall command of the French, General Petain was supreme commander.


Don't knock the French

Edited by Vince Green
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Opinions are one thing but racist insults (Which is what much of this thread appears to be) are out of order and I am not prepared to sit back and take this sort of insulting rubbish from these idiots who hide behind their keybaords and talk out of their big fat back sides! Up to now i have stayed reasonably polite, I might not be so polite if this continues!




You are Definately French...... intollerant, No sence of Humour, insulting, issuing idle threats with no intention of backing it up. :angry:


Viva la france

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