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Roost Shooting


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Any of you guys do any roost shooting? There was little wind but I had much fun :blink: met up with a few other beaters & talked locations about 12 & I headed for some oaks with plenty of ivy on. I walked off 50 out of the trees & the came back in small numbers. They were either flynig in a circle or swirving & landing hence A LITTLE FRUSTRATED :blink: i had 5 but needed more ammo. 1430 time to head for the top of the wood where some other guy was nearby getting them moving & they were going in straighter lines!! Had a great time......65 shots 15 birds picked best bag I have had. Not the best ratio mind. Met up with a few of the others they had 4 between them :*) hmm

Roll on next saturday :blink:

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Saturday be bu99ered.....tomorrow and Wednesday will be brilliant and if not watch out in sporting pictures I`ll be eating my cranium cover :blink:

The birds have been In big flocks recently and a big wind is just what the doc ordered.I was watching the birds today and they are getting back to the flightlines they used to use,but are still in flocks of 10-20,however the wind should see to that :blink:

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Roost shooting!! Just had a month back home and I've never seen so few pigeons in D & G. Never had one day at them!! Round all my farms and nothing moving or coming in to the roost woods?? :blink: :blink: Must all be on the Rape elsewhere we have almost nil in this area.



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You have 'em they're just hidin' :blink:


The weather (certainly here) has been so mild and windless that it's (almost) impossible to get at 'em. Woody just sits in the trees watchin' all day. You move him he'll drop into an adjacent field. They just keep movin' around without a care in the world. Shoot him and his crop will be full of food (rape mostly) so he's gettin' it somewhere you just have to find out where...and that's the beauty of Woodpigeon shootin' :blink: Try turnip tops...they've slaughtered a field of that round here.

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Hey some of us have to work!


There is no rape for miles down here, ivy berries & leftover game food is all they are eating. No big flocks, just 5-6's.


I have just got permission for 1000 odd acres on sunday & they have drilled wheat/barly? there are a few kicking about but not farmilliar with the ground yet.


Weather ain't looking too good for the weekend :look: no wind & rain!!!


I'll look fwd to seeing the pics of that hat eating henry :D


Cheers all

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I was out with another member on the forum last saturday, the pigeons dropped like stones from an extreme height, we were not camoed up, crouching behind cover, we let them do a couple of laps dropping in height before unleashing hell, the speed they have when descending from those heights with wings folded is extreme- good shooting. There was no wind on this day and it was suprisingly mild, some of the other woods were occupied by shooters which kept the birds on the move quite nicely. We managed 12 between us, along with the same again of collared doves and a dozen rooks/jackdaws.

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Well it was.....................................













...........poor,1 pigeon(chalk it up Whitebridges)and a squirrel :look: and it was chilli for tea not me titfer :D

henryd, i'll add your one bird to the 34 I shot whilst decoying today. Apologies for going slightly off topic. Heres a pic. I've been struggling but today there was some wind at last!



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what is the best time to go roost shooting, as we have a wood full of pigeons but the trees are high and the birds spook easily. any help.i would be using a 12 bore and what load would you advise



Flash mate, If you haven't done so already have a good look round. If you can have a recce the day before so much the better. Look for where the birds are roosting - it helps. Tell tale signs in the woods is white sh*te and feathers on the ground, a sure sign of pigeons. If it's cream then it's old shi*te and the birds are somewhere else. Taste for freshness if you like. If it's really windy and cold the pigeons might prefer conifers as they act as a bit of a duvet from the wind.

Best shells in the universe are Hull Special Pigeon or High Pheasant depending on how rich you are. I shoot 6's these days particulary at roost. 7's seem better for shooting over deeks IMHO.

I'm told the Eley HB pigeon 32g 6.5 shot is a cracking allrounder.

Key thing is not to shoot at really high birds if you are an average shot like most of us.

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No wind Again!!




I usually go out 12 ish find some trees with ivy/berries, I must admit I move up near the fir trees later in the day as they come straigt in there.


This sat was a bit slower on the roosting front. I only had 3 but should have been 6 or so but wasted a few cartridges :thumbs: fun. Speaking of ammo I use Eley High Flyer 30g 7's. They have served me well over 3 years so bet stick to one as the speed can vary.


Good luck, let me know how you get on.



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That sounds about right :D all gone in feb. They were thinner on the ground last week for sure. The wind has finaly picked up down here may go check out some drilling as there were a few birds cicking about a few weeks ago.


I just hope the wind stays till the weekend :D



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