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see you can decoy in the snow!


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Had arranged with Mike (hawkeye) to go and have a bash at the pigeon today, my 1st free day for a while, but and it was a big but, 4" of snow on the ground and zilch wind to speak of,

anyway gets up thinks is it gonna be worth making the effort, when the phone goes yep another farmer telling me that there were hundreds of the beggers on a certain field sat gone, now there was no snow on it then, but I said I would come and have a look.


gets to the farm has a drive round and one field had about 2000 birds on it all chomping away at any bits of rape sticking through the snow,farmer walks over to me says can you get any? I said get me a brush and I will see what ( mike turned up at that point) we can do, then proceeded to walk the birds off and set up.


So brushed an area about 40ft by 20ft, put a magnet at each end of it both using hypa's, then put some camo net in the middle of the swept patch, now by this time it was 1/4 to 11 so back in hide load up and settle down, and blimey heres a dozen coming in,shooting was steady away till we packed up at 1/4 to 2 with eighty in the bag and as many missed,not a bad result for rape shooting at any time never mind the conditions, well pleased with that.


cheers KW

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I was just turning over for my second sleep 8-30am when Kdubya rang to tell me one of the farmers had been on to him..

Up ready had breakfast sorted marco (the springer ) out he went ballistic as soon as he heard me getting the shottie out of the gun safe..Met up with Kieth at 10am and had a few manic hours the barrels were hot most of the time...They decoyed really well. Kdubya ran out of cartridges and had to go back to my motor for some spares the snow was that bad at his home he could not get into his shed ( door was frozen shut ) to get his ammo so rang me to take some spare just in case...Marco worked his nuts off all day. This is the first day i have had on rape this winter and it will not be the last..Considering the weather we have had lately all the birds were in very good condition.. :good: :good:



PS kdubya you forgot to mention the snipe that landed on the hidenet we had put on top of the snow it landed thinking it was a clear piece of grass.. :D :D

Edited by hawkeye
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Well done, out of interest how did you get the magnets in the ground? I've given up trying as the ground is as hard as a rock. :/



We had a hell of a job getting them in but KW had a spare ground spike and when i stood on it something had to give and it wasnt me...

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Well done, out of interest how did you get the magnets in the ground? I've given up trying as the ground is as hard as a rock. :/




stop taking the urine please, we are all aware of the size of his boats, sorry boots.

+ 80 pigeons will only be a snack to this lad. :yes:

Edited by markbivvy
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stop taking the urine please, we are all aware of the size of his boats, sorry boots.

+ 80 pigeons will only be a snack to this lad. :yes:



mark it still took him longer than me to bang a spike in? he may have shoes an old woman can live in but he cant see them? :lol:



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out of interest as I'm going out wednesday,what were you wearing?camo or lighter coloured clothes or one of them decoorating white boiler suit things?



Just normal cammo jackets and jeans, the hedge we set up on was white with the snow and the hides stuck out like a sore thumb (dark) stealth nets... :) :) :good:

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