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I don't know,or have ever known anyone who has been granted solid slug for deer,I know I and others have them for target shotgun and practical. This may just be my force area being picky.I know they use slug in a shotgun for a "put down gun" at zoo's etc,its supposed to be at hand,so the shooter can grab it as soon as its needed,and not have to wait while jeff brings the keys to the cabinet over from the office,whilst the loose lion continues its man eating rampage round the zoo. But I'm sure they lock the gun up at nite,and the shooter gets training with police.

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I don't know,or have ever known anyone who has been granted solid slug for deer,I know I and others have them for target shotgun and practical. This may just be my force area being picky.I know they use slug in a shotgun for a "put down gun" at zoo's etc,its supposed to be at hand,so the shooter can grab it as soon as its needed,and not have to wait while jeff brings the keys to the cabinet over from the office,whilst the loose lion continues its man eating rampage round the zoo. But I'm sure they lock the gun up at nite,and the shooter gets training with police.



I did not realise the police offered firearms training.


As with all things FAC, if you can demonstrate a need you will have no trouble being granted slugs for quarry such as deer.

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I have had slugs on my fac for over 5 years for shooting deer and wildboar with no problems from the police fl office as slugs are an approved method of deer control here in England & scotland ( Lothian & Borders police do not like them though even when you have a drilling or combination gun on your Fac)

Also You can have a rifled 12 bore bolt action section 1 shot gun that will shoot the sabbot slugs very well out to 300yrds. Only rifled semi auto/pump action rifles are section 5

here in the UK.

There are a few double 12 bore rifles around.There was an old one in Henry Kranks a couple of months ago can not remember the maker though now.

Browning and Savage in the USA make rifled 12 bore bolt action shotguns for target & hunting though they are like hens teeth over here they do exist.

The use of slug is just like any other type of shooting you have know were you gun will shoot point of aim and which slug make and type suit your gun and then practice with them some people i know have gone shooting wild boar abroard with there shotguns and found out to late that there gun either shoots high/low left/right with the slugs that have been given at the hunt and then say that slugs are not accurate.

My Benelli which is fitted with proper open sights and 1/4 choke will shoot 3" 5shot groups @50 meters all day long with s&b 1oz slugs and slightly beter groups when the scope is fitted.


All good fun



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Section 1 shotgun,for shooting birds in accordance owith the purpose,terms and conditions of the general licence currently issued by the appropriate authority under the provisions of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.That should cover it.Good luck. :good:



More or less what i put :good:


And in the end i put "section 1 shotgun - self loading"


Phoned them today and they said all ok,but it may take a couple of weeks to get my ticket back to me !


So the "same day"turn around they said they would do when i first phoned them seems to have gone by the way side,but a couple of weeks isnt the end of the world either i suppose.

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More or less what i put :good:


And in the end i put "section 1 shotgun - self loading"


Phoned them today and they said all ok,but it may take a couple of weeks to get my ticket back to me !


So the "same day"turn around they said they would do when i first phoned them seems to have gone by the way side,but a couple of weeks isnt the end of the world either i suppose.

I agree,there are a lot of folk waiting much longer than two weeks.I think mine would have been turned around pretty quickly,my licensing dept' are pretty much on the ball,but we had a bit of a disagreement as to why I needed a second Section 1 shotgun,and in the end they more or less told me what to write on my application to ensure it went through! :good:

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Did you buy as a fac or did you buy and get weldon or someone to convert. If you did what was the cost if you dont mind me asking. :rolleyes:



Bought it as a 4+1 and had the extension tube put on to make it 7+1.The cost was nothing as i bought it from them they fitted the tube for nowt and put a swivel on the stock for nowt aswell.


If i am right you have to buy as fac so the extension just fits on otherwise a sec 2 will be crimped and need a whole new tube fitted.

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