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We NEED wind


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had a few good days when there has been no wind

but i do prefer it when thers a good wind, more testing shots


its just luck of the draw i think, i plan days on the pigeons flightlines and feeding...weather doesnt come into it, if i have a day off and teh pigeons have been somewher in a number, i will be there come rain or shine

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wind wont make much if any difference to size of flocks

thats down to time of year


it doesnt always make them fly lower either


it does help muffle the report of a shotgun though


and helps a bit when setting up decoys, you know which way they will come in to land

also helps bouncers bounce and decoys on spring sticks wobble about

thats key to decoying...movement, oh and being in the right place at the right time

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had a lot of decent to good days when flat calm over the years but tend not to bother going out when flat calm if i can help it much rather go out on a windy day like most would but thats not always the case if you work all week and its windy as hell and you go out on the sat without a breath of wind thats happened alot;**** law.

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i have considered getting an investarm O/U 20 bore moderated shottie as there is rarly wind on the permission I have(surrounded by trees,and a single shot clears the area),I went to saddlery and gunshop to try one and was impressed as it was quiet before it had had the 50 or so shots to make it fully quiet,but at £760 new and no used ones about it will have to wait,as that's too much cash for me.

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we were the same up in telford other day, no wind ,and after a few shots the birds about 1000 plus left and went elsewhere, question? is it worth while to go with no wind? or is there an alternative for setting out decoys? any ideas guys.thanks


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I've had several days when i've shot 100+ without there being a breath of wind- but this is normally in spring or summer.I'm not someone who subscribes to the theory that you 'need' a good wind to have a good day's shooting.

People saying that a couple of shots and all the pigeons are disappearing, suggests that either the pigeons are all turning up in a giant flock or they are on and around the field when you get there. Try setting up before first light so you are prepared for the birds when they first get there. I have had so many 30-50 bags at this time of year on rape that way. The sport may only last a couple of hours but it can be fast and furious.

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I have had some top days on a flat calm day but as motty says in spring when you get the lovely clear night with a frost but a warm day mostly over spring drilling .


Or june over spring rape very rare to shot good number on a flat calm day in winter.


I have most amazing bag on spring rape in the pouring rain dead calm next to honda swindon depot in the early 90s roughly 300 birds .


I and the dog was soaked but well chuffed.


Cheers OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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