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Tuning a HW80


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Before you all start, I've already got a Falcon PCP but it's on my FAC. Thing is, as I sit here I can look out into my garden (which is large) and I can see the squirrels eating my nuts.


So I've got to go and get my keys from their 'hiding place' - like the wife doesn't know - and go to my gun box. Get out my FAC Falcon and find the pellets. Walk to the back door, point the muzzle out of the door and load up.


Now what was I shooting? Oh yes, that squirrel that is now jumping through the branches in the general direction of 'away'. When I do catch one it's head shots at 40 yards which is cool.


So, my brother-in-law has got a HW80 and I am picking it up tomorrow. I know that he's had it for years and I know that it is an old gun so I reckon that getting an oxspring (no 5, I believe) a breech seal and a new piston seal will do the trick. A bit of slippy grease for the spring and away I go. From what I can see, Moly grease is the same as Rockoil's Shockguard which is a waterproof molybdenum(?) grease.




I've never tuned one of these before so I'm a-hoping that some of you guys will know how to do it. You can start right from the beginning, treat me like an idiot and take it from there. And if anyone can recommend a good pellet as well - i've got Accupels, Wasp and Bisley Magnum's in the house.


Answers as usual please!

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So I've got to go and get my keys from their 'hiding place' - like the wife doesn't know - and go to my gun box. Get out my FAC Falcon and find the pellets. Walk to the back door, point the muzzle out of the door and load up.



well wouldnt it be the case with the hw 80 :lol:


missed the it out :*) :*) sorry henry :lol::D

Edited by magman
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think most gun shops only charge £30 od quid, if you do it yourself you will need a sash cramp to take of the end block as it unscrews, this end block is under pressure from the spring, don't no if T R ROB still do kits for tuning the hw 80. you have to watch what spring you put in as they are hard to keep under 12 ft lb

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Take it from me as an ex 80 owner if you don`t heavily lube the spring it will not produce a pattern less than that of a shotgun.I have a TR Robb tuned 35 with enough grease to lube LB`s landy and it is 11ft.lbs and tight as a Nuns,pattern wise.

Don`t do it you naughty puppies or the plug will be pulled ! :lol:

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You use a FAC gun in your garden? Does your local force FEO know?

was thinking the same thing myself, squirel in trees in garden FAC rifle being shot upwards into trees :lol:


then we have the mention of the infamouse OX springs!!!!!!! dont even go there!!!!!! no 5 would be the double hinged gate spring as oposed to the No3 which would be the self closing barn door (which you wont be able to hit using either of these springs)


enough said i think


ROB :lol:

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Before you all start, I've already got a Falcon PCP but it's on my FAC. Thing is, as I sit here I can look out into my garden (which is large) and I can see the squirrels eating my nuts.


So I've got to go and get my keys from their 'hiding place' - like the wife doesn't know - and go to my gun box. Get out my FAC Falcon and find the pellets. Walk to the back door, point the muzzle out of the door and load up.


Now what was I shooting? Oh yes, that squirrel that is now jumping through the branches in the general direction of 'away'. When I do catch one it's head shots at 40 yards which is cool.


So, my brother-in-law has got a HW80 and I am picking it up tomorrow. I know that he's had it for years and I know that it is an old gun so I reckon that getting an oxspring (no 5, I believe) a breech seal and a new piston seal will do the trick. A bit of slippy grease for the spring and away I go. From what I can see, Moly grease is the same as Rockoil's Shockguard which is a waterproof molybdenum(?) grease.




I've never tuned one of these before so I'm a-hoping that some of you guys will know how to do it. You can start right from the beginning, treat me like an idiot and take it from there. And if anyone can recommend a good pellet as well - i've got Accupels, Wasp and Bisley Magnum's in the house.


Answers as usual please!

You say that you have an F.A.C already? then you must know that the weapon you intend to upgrade is required by law to go on this F.A.C and that any kind of work like this to over power an air rifle must be done by a qualified gunsmith. You wont find anyone on this forum that will talk you through over powering it as we cant take your word for it that you own an F.A.C so please do us a faviour and dont ask!! If you want this work done then go to your local gunsmith and produce your F.A.C and i am sure he will be happy to help :lol:

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the way i Se it the blokes looking for a legal 12 ft lb airgun so he don't have to get his fac rifle out

Quite agree no where as he said he want to increase the power,

i think sometimes people jump on the band wagon and assume every time someone asks advice about a springer they want to take it over the legal limit.


I think this thread is from someone that has 1 fac airrifle and has got hold of a old springer and want to do it up to shoot safer in his back garden. :lol::lol:



Henry d


You use a FAC gun in your garden? Does your local force FEO know?


If he has a open ticket its up to him not the FEO he takes full responsibility as to wether the land is safe enough or not (his garden might be 150yds long for all we know).


Could be wrong about this of course and if i am ill apologise in advance :*) :*) :*) :*)

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the way i Se it the blokes looking for a legal 12 ft lb airgun so he don't have to get his fac rifle out

i would have assumed the same, IF he hadnt said anything about an OX spring.


we all know the stories about OX springs and power.


ROB :lol:


PS you dont hear about ox springs and accuracy (or at least in a good light)

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The best thing you can hope to acheive by tuning a spring air rifle is making it smoother. An ox spring will almost definately take the hw 80 over the limit. As a kid me and my m8 used to strip them without the use of any sash cramps same with 77, 97 etc. Polish the cylander polish the piston inside and out polish the spring guide. If you want to put it over 12ftlbs I suggest you look else whare although I did hear about a trick that involved 2p coins.



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What have I started? Some of you don't read and some of you do, by the looks of it.


To clear a few things up. My garden streaches over 10 acres. I am surrounded by farmland and woodland. It is very quiet. Apart from those Fu*$£*ng squirrels! I'm feeding the birds - from finches to pheasants - and the squirrels are getting fat.


The HW80 I collect today is very slack. I was looking at putting in a new spring and seals to cheer it up and as I had been to a norther town recently ( mention no names ) I made the effort and walked into a famous gunshop. Their advice was to fit an Oxspring and new seals.


Now remember that I have been away from springers and air-rifles in general for years - about 20 - as when you get into fullbore and ranges and deer and culling rabbits on the golf course, the airrifle issue doesnt arise. My Falcon is used on the golf course for places where I can't use a shotgun.


So yes, what I want is a gun that I can leave out when I am in the house (Of course it will be locked away when I am out) and use it for vermin control in the 'garden'. think like a back yard, multiply the size of it by a thousand and then plonk it in the middle of no-where.


As for shooting upwards into the trees, what an assumption. My drive is a 10 in 1 hill and I live at the top so don't worry, this is all going to be as Kosher as Christmas cake. If you hang a birdfeeder from a low branch, you get a sitting target. They feed in pairs round here - we get black squirrels too!


What I am after is advice on proven methods to tune up a gun so that it shoots like a tack driver (probably the only American term that I'll ever use) and has power when it get's there.


Better now? Thanks for all your help so far.



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FT, rather than criticise the reaction, you may have been better to have given all this latest information in your first post.


Few people can be assumed to have a 10 acre garden and live at the top of a 10 in 1 slope.



There have been many attempts on here to get the more technically minded members to disclose information, that could be used for illegal conversions.

Hence our caution. :lol:

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Dear cranfield et al


There was a load of information in the first post - people made a load of stuff up! "He said this so he must have one of those" is a dangerous game to play. Better to proffer your advice on the information given. This isn't having a go - I'm just defending myself.


If you read the original post, my question was...

I've never tuned one of these before so I'm a-hoping that some of you guys will know how to do it. You can start right from the beginning, treat me like an idiot and take it from there. And if anyone can recommend a good pellet as well - i've got Accupels, Wasp and Bisley Magnum's in the house.


So far I've had loads of advice about not shooting things in trees, FAC's and nothing about pellet selection.


Can I take this opportunity to thank the one user who mailed me and blackthorn, rogo and henryd amongst others for the advice so far.


From what I can tell, it's fit a very greasy new spring. Get the spring from either Steve Pope, TR Robb or John Knibbs. Is that OK with you guys?

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