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Feral Pigeon


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So i have a permission to remove feral pigeons from my permission as it is an area where there is a lot or birds (well not so many any more which is very satisfying except nothing to shoot :P) and the faeces is a real risk to health, the only problem is i can normally shoot about 5 but then they will fly off and not come back until the next session. I was wondering, is there such thing as decoying feral pigeons? for example putting bread down and using some of the shot birds in a pattern around them?


is this a complete waste of time? does anyone have any tips/experience on shooting ferals? they roost in the permission and it is buildings/roofs/ledges i shoot them off.


thanks :)

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ferals can be decoyed down using shell decoys the same as wood pigeons, you cannot however use bread/seed as thats illegal,

if they are around buildings, inside and out, why not lamp them, thats perfectly legal, and if you get someone else to hold the lamp, switch on, you shoot, switch off, less will fly away, giving you the chance to shoot higher numbers :good:

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ahh ok im glad i haven't tried seed then haha, and its only outside we can shoot, we haven't thought about night time though, possibly this weekend ill go down scope out whether they are nesting up on the ledges and if so might try the lamping idea, i wasn't sure if that was illegal either though :/ sounds like a plan, need to get a lamping lamp now then i guess haha, i also need more permissions :/

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Pigeon faeces will only pose a health risk to your respiratory system if it is dry and gets disturbed, making it airborne. It's particularly dangerous if you have a history of respiratory problems, particularly asthma. Other than that it's a common misconception that it carries all manner of horrendous diseases that might jump up and infect you at any moment. Throw on a mask and get in there. Alternatively try some decoys and shoot from a distance

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okidokeys, might try decoying then, however i can only use an air rifle, not a shotgun, a moderated .410 yes but i don't have one or the money for one :/ so im guessing they aren't as clever as a crow and will actually land?


no access to where they roost; it is literally the architecture where it is one brick's width set back, quite a limited permission all things considered, but i will try :)


thanks for the ideas guys

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Corvids are quite smart, but feral pigeons I have always found to be somewhat dumb :) They will know something is wrong when they see their mates flapping around aimlessly after hearing the noise of the shot/impact. It normally takes a few shots for them to cotton on but they will eventually associate the noise of the airgun with danger, but will forget about it a short while after. They do however have a few ways of indicating danger to other pigeons. One of the obvious examples is if you don't get a clean kill this might allow the pigeon to display it's white feathers on the back of it's neck. Not too sure about woodies but ferals associate this display with danger. Also if they flap their wings together frantically to make a loud slapping noise, you can rest assured any pigeon that hears it won't want to hang about to find out what the danger is.


If you're using a 12ft lbs rifle make sure you get a lot of practice in in order to extend your hunting distance. You could also feed the birds for a few days prior to the shoot so that they become comfortable with landing on the ground. As mentioned before though, when it comes to the shooting bit, keep yourself legal and don't bait them in :good:

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Hi boys I'm sure its illegal to shoot anybird at night with a lamp. You can shoot birds under moon lig light however,but I wouldn't make that a common occurrence either -they need a bit of peace and quiet

The way round this is to use nv but that depends on your budget!

How long do yOu eait for them to return?

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i always thought shooting any bird using a lamp was illegal too...learn something new everyday..job done for today then! :good:


as for the decoying ferrals.. it works a treat! find a nice open area next to the sheds, get a bit of cover for yourself and plink away..it wont take long for them to come in. I shot 25 over decoys with my airgun the other morning..they just kept on coming into the farmers yard.



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My workshop is in an old mill, converted to about 50 units. The ferals roost in several places and c@@p down the walls, on cars, etc. and make a real mess.

I've found that when I shoot one, its partner flies right down to it and sort of tries to help it....so that one soon joins its loved one :blink:

I've done this dozens of times, now when I drop one feral, I reload straight away and just wait for its other half :good:

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My workshop is in an old mill, converted to about 50 units. The ferals roost in several places and c@@p down the walls, on cars, etc. and make a real mess.

I've found that when I shoot one, its partner flies right down to it and sort of tries to help it....so that one soon joins its loved one :blink:

I've done this dozens of times, now when I drop one feral, I reload straight away and just wait for its other half :good:



Pigeon flies down distraught at the untimely death of its mate. What happened you my love?




Oh there you are



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or health & safety grounds, that the build up of faeces when becoming wet from the rain, can become a slip hazzard


My permission is an educational establishment, so you can imagine kids falling on it and touching it at lunch time etc is a serious issue... (don't worry we shoot only at weekends haha)


Do you reccomend me buying decoys (and if so which type; like would woodies work on ferals?) or would it be better and just as effective to use the ones i shoot at the start to decoy them in, i can normally get about 3-6 per session these days, im sure a good pattern from them would work?


thanks guys, some brill ideas for me to try this weekend :)

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you can buy woody decoys if you want..thats what i used the other day to great success. or if you are guaranteed a few to start then save your cash and use them to decoy. Did that last year on a morning walk with 12g, starting with one woody, laid it down and slowly built them up in a pattern until my dad and I had nearly 40!lol! end of the day, no net or decoys to pick up...!happy days!

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The General Licence allows you to shoot Feral Pigeons using a light irrespective of whether you are shooting outside or inside:


(d) in relation to the killing or taking of Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) only:

i. to use any device for illuminating a target or any sighting device for night shooting;

ii. to use any form of artificial lighting or any mirror or other dazzling device.


The full text is here; General Licence

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go at night with a lamp and super soaker soak them and they will land on the floor then just bray them with a stik :P:P:D



yet another muppet giving **** advice, or was in meant as a joke for the anti's to read and tar us all with the same brush


apart from having respect for your quarry, even a pest species and giving a humaine kill, you'd probably get done for cruelty to animals, beating with a stick, look it up

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So i have a permission to remove feral pigeons from my permission as it is an area where there is a lot or birds (well not so many any more which is very satisfying except nothing to shoot :P) and the faeces is a real risk to health, the only problem is i can normally shoot about 5 but then they will fly off and not come back until the next session. I was wondering, is there such thing as decoying feral pigeons? for example putting bread down and using some of the shot birds in a pattern around them?


is this a complete waste of time? does anyone have any tips/experience on shooting ferals? they roost in the permission and it is buildings/roofs/ledges i shoot them off.


thanks :)


Not read all the replies but this is what i do and we count them by barrow loads :lol:

Night time a couple of hours at least into dark. Enter building One guy with gun, one with torch. Light a bird up and off with the light, make ready with the gun, light on and shoot, light off before the dead bird hits the deck. Next. Keep the light on and they will leave the building by its light. This is pure pest control not sport as such

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