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Tonights Fox Cull


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Any foxes tonight, Axe?  :o

Yes indeed my man just the one i'm afraid as the two I continued to call, refused to come in. Getting wise to the .17HMR I think. So Thursday will be spent baiting up properly and being patient.


Anyway, arrived at 7:00pm ansd was ready to go at 7:30pm after waiting for Snakebite to turn up, as i'd promised a go on the rabbits. Dropped Both Snakey and SL at one end of the permission and returned back to my usual spot on the Fox.


Fox#6 (Cull Total) Parked the Landy up between two oaks over looking the 20 acre section. Got myself plugged into the Lamp and rifle at the ready and started calling them in. Gave it a couple of minutes before switching the lamp had a quick look down range, nothing. Walked to the rear of the Landy switched the Lamp on nothing. Placed the rifle back on the bonnet to crab the polystyrene and noticed a movement in the field. Grabbed the rifle and shone the lamp out and came accross two little eyes stairing back. :ernyha: Watching his actions I decided to use the Bi-pods of the ground. Got into position, and gave a high pitch squeak on my hand with the lamp off. Quick check again and he had moved in 20 yards. Gave another quiet squeak and switched the lamp he's now out at 60 yards. Left the lamp on and gave another call and charly ran up another 20 yards towards me. Placed the crosshairs between the eyes and squeezed the trigger, Fox No 6. :D Checked him over and found the dog to be in good condition and average in size. He had what looked like a bite on his front left leg. The area around it looked shaven, but i'm sure this is down to him licking the wound.


Spoke to the landowner today to bring him up to date. He is very pleased and has now asked to control the rabbits properly. In addition has given me a months grace on the land to reviewed next month and so on. So things are definitely looking better there. Just as well though, we spotted 5 tonight.




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Thanks Frank, I hope the picture is a little better. This is my first cull on Fox as you know, but I never noticed so many Fox in one area. Do you know if this is mormal for Fox or one of the few rare occasions?


The place is surrounded by countryside, woodland and water and downland can been seen behind. There is much in the way of food source as it is wildlife rich and has many farms adjacent.


One of the fields we were stalking had an area riddled with small holes which looked more like large cracks. Far too small to be Rabbit and not the right shape either. SL thought he saw something poke its head out and pop back in again, but couldnt identify it. Any ideas on this, weasel, stote, mink, rat, etc?

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Anyway, arrived at 7:00pm ansd was ready to go at 7:30pm after waiting for Snakebite to turn up, as i'd promised a go on the rabbits. Dropped Both Snakey and SL at one end of the permission and returned back to my usual spot on the Fox.

That was a good crack last night, really enjoyed it. nice to try somthing different.

Just a shame I couldn't hit a barn door though! Although to be fair it looks like the rifle zero was off, Sussex Lad is checking it today. I hope it is, because i didn't think I was that bad :o

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Do you know if this is mormal for Fox or one of the few rare occasions?

It can be normal in certain areas where they have not been culled for a while.

Some of my permission is riddles with fox and some are scarce enough.

if foxes are not culled, last years cubs will hang about on the fringes of their parents territorys for quiet a while and if these are not culled, their will be a good few foxes about.

Also, iv been hearing of reports of town foxes being released into the wild by do gooders :o .

These foxes wonder around aimlessly and in some areas they get over populated and are easy targets.

These so called animal sancturys dont help either. releasing foxes they have cured and in some cases amputating their leg ect :D due to some illness and then niaively releasing them in rong areas and hoping they will survive. :(

These people are known to me as **** HEADS. :D

Sounds like your on a winner their Axe, keep this place you have top secret too by the way :ernyha: , other wise, you will have lamp shy foxes around, which are ******* to remove if they are causing any damage.

Good Luck. :yp:

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Thanks Frank I am pretty sure that the surrounding Fox have not been lamped, at least on this site. I am struggling to determine the amount out there as we see different amounts each visit. As for the location well, I know where it is. ;) I'm not saying anymore as I dont want to Jynx it. I was very surprised at the numbers there but your info, explains it away quite nicely. :blink:


The new lambs and parents are being bought down tomorrow so I am eager to finish the job and quantify my payment in kind. :D

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Get some stinky fish bait happening mate, your in Brighton, near the sea, their must be boats that have left overs ect.

It may stink, but its deadly ;):D , draws every fox in for miles, especially now, as its freezing and they will be starving after the mating ect.

keep a close eye on the area when them lambs go in :D , their could be a rough fox waiting :lol: . It has happened to me once or twice. I went into an area where the farmer was worried about putting his lambs in the feild, so i culled as many foxes i could, (9 in all) was their nearly every night.

After 3 nights of not seeing a fox, i thought the place was clean.

Then BANG, BANG BANG, 3 healthy lambs killed in one night :lol: :o :( All my work gone down the swany :/ .

I learnt after by wacthing them that a new fox had moved in to the vecant territory that had a taste for lamb ??? .

he was a lamp shy ****** too :blink: , got him in the end, but the farmer took a while to forgive me :*)

Anyway, that was 12 years ago, but you live and learn ha? ;)

Keep on top of them Axe,

good luck. :)

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We are planning another trip out tonight. Three of us will be covering the main areas. I am going to bait them with rabbit tonight. There is a concentrated area where they keep appearing its perfect. 200 yards of tree line works down hill to a bottom corner. There is an elevated position of small growth and a few tree/shrubs which lies about 40-50 yards from the concentrated area. I'm gonna hide up in it and wait for the baitto take affect. If that fails, I will be taking a trip to see the fisherman at Brighton Marina. ;) :blink:

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Anyway, arrived at 7:00pm ansd was ready to go at 7:30pm after waiting for Snakebite to turn up, as i'd promised a go on the rabbits. Dropped Both Snakey and SL at one end of the permission and returned back to my usual spot on the Fox.

That was a good crack last night, really enjoyed it. nice to try somthing different.

Just a shame I couldn't hit a barn door though! Although to be fair it looks like the rifle zero was off, Sussex Lad is checking it today. I hope it is, because i didn't think I was that bad :blink:


The zero was spot on so it looks like it was you ;):D:D

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How long in advance do you bait an area?

I mean do you do it on the night, or the day before or what?

Usually i bait it for a night or 2, but sometimes i dont have time so put the bait down 2 hours before sunset or best ( because of winged vermin) 1 hour before dawn.

If i have a lot of bait, i will go to the area at dusk and lay the bait, the whole lot.

Then if its a new area, with no lamp shy foxes, i go and lamp it.

If it has lamp shy foxes, i turn up an hour before dawn and get into my hide and wait till day break. :blink:

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Looks like im gonna need to do some early morning trips then. Went tonight and got nothing but a sight of three Fox. I couldnt get anywhere near them, even with the new calls. Made up for it with some long shot bunnies but was dissapointed overall. They have got wise and now run from the lamp. :sly:

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