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cortisone injections


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my advice to think about it long and hard is based on having had one and not wanting another,not by reading the daily mail, or could you not be bothered to read my story? I have sat in many a waiting room talking to patients either who have had a knee replacement or are wating for them, the horror stories exist, mine included so please dont say its rubbish, my story is fact not fiction,I dont want to alarm people with knee problems just give them the heads up that it may not be the be all and end all and that frankly you could end up worse off, oh and your condesending attitude is frankly poor, and aloof.




sorry but you said 50% of people wished they hadnt had the operation... read your post as highlighted just not true


and you need to think before you post

Edited by docholiday
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sorry but you said 50% of people wished they hadnt had the operation... read your post as highlighted just not true


and you need to think before you post


I actually said for every one that says it was the best thing ever another will say they wished they had never had it done,my mate mike (hawkeye) had a partial replacement and is over the moon with it, two lads who shoot ay my club (ok they are older than me) both regret having it done? one tried to warn me off, but I would not listen as I thought anything would be better than the pain I had (and the sodding gimp) but if I could turn back time and pre see the probs I would have (ok I am fairly sorted now) I would not have had it done, I would have somehow put up with it till I retired and needed to use the knee less(next year) or I ended up in a wheelchair, thats the only way a swan morten blade is going near the right leg!!! yes perhaps I have been "unlucky" but as said its not the be all and end all, I understand your postion, but like some others who work in this area day in and day out, I feel that you may be distant from the reality of pain,both in immediate terms such as injections ( the "slight sting" :hmm: of an epidural an example) and the slowly sinking downwards spiral that cronic pain has on your life, oh and again for those who think cortisone hurts wait till you need a gel injection !! (take a towel for the sweat you will break into)again a mere scratch according to the pro's who aren't getting it.



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I am truly sorry you had a bad outcome, but nationally you are in the less than 1% group. Different people have a different response to pain, and a different perception, but please dont say we dont understand pain. what we do know is that some people find a small prickas being the end of the world, but most perceive it for what it is. :rolleyes:

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I actually said for every one that says it was the best thing ever another will say they wished they had never had it done,my mate mike (hawkeye) had a partial replacement and is over the moon with it, two lads who shoot ay my club (ok they are older than me) both regret having it done? one tried to warn me off, but I would not listen as I thought anything would be better than the pain I had (and the sodding gimp) but if I could turn back time and pre see the probs I would have (ok I am fairly sorted now) I would not have had it done, I would have somehow put up with it till I retired and needed to use the knee less(next year) or I ended up in a wheelchair, thats the only way a swan morten blade is going near the right leg!!! yes perhaps I have been "unlucky" but as said its not the be all and end all, I understand your postion, but like some others who work in this area day in and day out, I feel that you may be distant from the reality of pain,both in immediate terms such as injections ( the "slight sting" :hmm: of an epidural an example) and the slowly sinking downwards spiral that cronic pain has on your life, oh and again for those who think cortisone hurts wait till you need a gel injection !! (take a towel for the sweat you will break into)again a mere scratch according to the pro's who aren't getting it.



kdubya,could it be that you have a low pain threshold :yes: only joking mate :good:

there's nothing worse than chronic pain,I live on tramadol and sleeping pills.They wanted to take another chunk off my leg,through the thigh but I'd rather stick to my way for now :good:

I'm $h1tting myself because the end of the month I'm getting my walking stick hand operated on,should be in plaster for months then splints for months,try using one hand to get in and out of the bath/shower standing on one leg :lol:


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kdubya,could it be that you have a low pain threshold :yes: only joking mate :good:

there's nothing worse than chronic pain,I live on tramadol and sleeping pills.They wanted to take another chunk off my leg,through the thigh but I'd rather stick to my way for now :good:

I'm $h1tting myself because the end of the month I'm getting my walking stick hand operated on,should be in plaster for months then splints for months,try using one hand to get in and out of the bath/shower standing on one leg :lol:



hope things work out for you nothing worse than pain and immobility,and the insecurity of the future that one feels with it, your probs put mine to shame, and at least now after many years I can at the moment walk without limping :good: in fact people remark how well I now walk ( mag357 was one who said that only last friday)


As for pain threshold as you know you learn to "put up with it" and just live with it, problem with me was it dragged everything else down with it IE my right foot hurt and my left hip hurt as a result of the way I walked and favoured my left knee, and of course my other knee is shot?


the probs with my knees are as the result of some seriously stupid diving in the 70s and 80s which left me with little or no cartlige in my knees and the complete rupture of my cruciate in my left knee, not helped by the 4 months it took and 3 visits to different depts of the local sent elsewhere before they diagnosed I had indeed ruptured my cruciate but that a reconstruction would not give a "satisfactory outcome" due to very advanced arthritis indeed a condial graft was attempted but again arthritis meant a poor outcome was assumed and that the only true remedy would be total knee replacement of both knees, and was subtely told "come back when you can no longer cope"


anyway point of this post is to say ONLY YOU know how much it hurts YOU and I find it tiresome and condisending to be told "it does not" when reality means it ferking well does,I will never forget the wonderfull reasuring words from an orthapedic surgeon who said "oh your arthritis is very bad I am having difficulty getting the fluid into your joint" as I was held down by two nurses, one of whom apologised later, and helped me back to the waiting area.



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Some scary stuff being written here so lets get some facts up for you. Its what I do for a living, and I carry out about 10 injections for various Orthopaedic problems every day,


Cant believe some of the things being written here.


Does it hurt ? No more than any injection, needle should pass behind the Knee cap into the space behind it. The steroid should be injected with a large dose of local anaesthetic.


will it work and how long does it last.? This is not a cure for degenerative change but is an anti inflammatory agent that will calm down the inflammation that is causing the pain.You can not predict how effective it will be its a suck it and see job. depends how bad the arthritis is as to how long it lasts. if it only lasts a couple of weeks to a few months its not worth repeating, if it lasts 4 or 5 months or longer then worth repeating.


If injection very painful or does not work at all may mean injection not in correct place... for the knee this shouldn't really happen.


I inject little old ladies of 90 plus and they dont complain...........!!!!!


get it done by somebody who does it on a regular basis.


shame you are not down this way could have helped you out


thanks doc always nice to here if from the horses mouth so to say wish i was closer you sound like the right man for the job


atb andy

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hope things work out for you nothing worse than pain and immobility,and the insecurity of the future that one feels with it, your probs put mine to shame, and at least now after many years I can at the moment walk without limping :good: in fact people remark how well I now walk ( mag357 was one who said that only last friday)


As for pain threshold as you know you learn to "put up with it" and just live with it, problem with me was it dragged everything else down with it IE my right foot hurt and my left hip hurt as a result of the way I walked and favoured my left knee, and of course my other knee is shot?


the probs with my knees are as the result of some seriously stupid diving in the 70s and 80s which left me with little or no cartlige in my knees and the complete rupture of my cruciate in my left knee, not helped by the 4 months it took and 3 visits to different depts of the local sent elsewhere before they diagnosed I had indeed ruptured my cruciate but that a reconstruction would not give a "satisfactory outcome" due to very advanced arthritis indeed a condial graft was attempted but again arthritis meant a poor outcome was assumed and that the only true remedy would be total knee replacement of both knees, and was subtely told "come back when you can no longer cope"


anyway point of this post is to say ONLY YOU know how much it hurts YOU and I find it tiresome and condisending to be told "it does not" when reality means it ferking well does,I will never forget the wonderfull reasuring words from an orthapedic surgeon who said "oh your arthritis is very bad I am having difficulty getting the fluid into your joint" as I was held down by two nurses, one of whom apologised later, and helped me back to the waiting area.



thanks buddy for all the input sorry to hear you seem to have had a ruff time of it its not nice and i will take onboard all the info that has been give .

thanks again all



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I had one in my wrist 20 years ago(carpoltunnel) never again it was ok when it went in but the pain 10hours later when the annestetic wore off!!! i could of chopped my hand off with an axe it was that bad. :oops:

I could not work for the next 3 days and it did not even work and had to have an opp a year later.



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I paid a visit to my old allotments last week, I saw a lady I know, she was on her knees pulling weeds etc. She stood up and said hello, I commented on her mobility...she said that since she got 'her new knees' she feels 20 years younger :good:

So from what I actually now, first hand, I think that knee replacements are 100% successful!

If you have to go back to hospital, you will be in a place where all the people are going back in for repairs, but that doesn't mean all the knee ops have failed. My left knee is getting bad, made worse after getting knocked off my motorbike (again) in Oct 07, bikes have now gone for good BTW, if i had to have a knee replaced, I would go for it without doubt :good:

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I paid a visit to my old allotments last week, I saw a lady I know, she was on her knees pulling weeds etc. She stood up and said hello, I commented on her mobility...she said that since she got 'her new knees' she feels 20 years younger :good:

So from what I actually now, first hand, I think that knee replacements are 100% successful!

If you have to go back to hospital, you will be in a place where all the people are going back in for repairs, but that doesn't mean all the knee ops have failed. My left knee is getting bad, made worse after getting knocked off my motorbike (again) in Oct 07, bikes have now gone for good BTW, if i had to have a knee replaced, I would go for it without doubt :good:


you have met one of the lucky ones,and she may not have had total replacement! 1/2 knee replacements are favoured where possible now, and for some the outcome is first class, but for many its not, for instance I can cycle but as for kneeling nope not a chance in hell, if I have to do anything that requires kneeling,then the only way I can do it is laid on my side, very undignified especially the antics of getting back on my feet again!!I work with two lads who have also had knee replacement (total) neither can ( and they have tried believe me) kneel


hawkeye on here had a partial knee replacement and he cant kneel, remember you may only get 90 degrees of bend from your "new knee" and even if its much better than that (mine is) you still WONT get as much as you had, like I said earlier think about it long and hard, if you cant put up with the pain then get it done, if you can put up with the pain then DONT wait till you have no choice, either way please dont believe that the new knee will be the miracle cure, as it wont, and remember it will need a revision later in life,( probably the main reason docs are reluctant to perform the op on younger below 60 people) mind they last a bit longer now it seems, Im not trying to put you off or paint a blacker than black picture, Im simply trying to say it as I have truthfully found it,and after many ops (on my left knee in particular) plus fluid removal x 2 without anesthetic followed by steroid injections, if I could have the time back I would have stuck to tablets :o



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I'm listening! As you say, its probably best to put off any operation until it is the only option left.

The old dear I mentioned is probably a one off, as you point out, I don't know exactly what work she had done (and looking back, I think she was sat on a mat/cushion thing, not right on the deck :blink: )

I reckon I will keep taking painkillers, summers coming and that helps! Then maybe the dreaded injections.... I can only imagine how bad it must be for you guys, I've only got a partially knacked knee and it gets me down, almost literally :good:

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I'm listening! As you say, its probably best to put off any operation until it is the only option left.

The old dear I mentioned is probably a one off, as you point out, I don't know exactly what work she had done (and looking back, I think she was sat on a mat/cushion thing, not right on the deck :blink: )

I reckon I will keep taking painkillers, summers coming and that helps! Then maybe the dreaded injections.... I can only imagine how bad it must be for you guys, I've only got a partially knacked knee and it gets me down, almost literally :good:


this is what I ended up with @ 58 years of age and should I live to a decent age I can expect that by the time I have popped my clogs the other knee will have been done ( last resort for me though)and that this will probably have been replaced.




the object at the top is a 20p piece in my shorts pocket!!



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My knees give me gip every now and again (27 years in the infantry hasn't helped)and the doctor is forever trying to talk me into having the injections, but then again the doctor is my missus and I am sure that she just wants to inflict as much pain on me as possible. so as you can imagine I always decline her kind offer. :lol:

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I was (eventually) diagnosed with a chronic (non specific form) of rumatoid athritis (linked to psoriasis) in my early 20's :/ I have lost count of the number of cortisone (steroid)injections in the centre of my knee !!! It helped me walk again but don't know if the steroids were responsible for transfering me from a skeleton with a wig on to a brick out house :blush: Once walking again i excercised & never changed eating habits! The only time it ever hurt was when someone hit a bone or something whilst injecting :oops: leg was black at knee joint for a week :hmm: I have no cushioning left in my knee's & kneeling down is nigh impossible :blink: I have never missed a days work since but sometimes it's hard to deal with the pain. I can't even jump down a step height, just solid :unsure: I try to get on with life best that I can & some folk that never knew what I have to deal with daily wouldn't know :yes: Shooting the foreshore where I go involves a 3/4 mile - mile walk there & back & rough shooting is what ever is thrown at us :yes: Had some very tired nights after but keep active & do as much as possible :good: :good: :good: My main worry is that my hands/fingers are getting worse at the moment :o

ps. Doc im on voltarol & sulfasalazine (my doctor asks me for an apointment)

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