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Light reflecting off moderator


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You can buy a 'mod sock' in neoprene camo. This not only stops the glare but muffles any 'vibration whine' you get on firing.

Cost is less than £10 and will probably solve your problem, as it has mine. Try before you buy or borrow a mates first.


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I have a clulite and the scope adaptor fits nicely onto the varmint barrels on my CZ .22lr and Hmr. I place the lamp underneath the barrel and it takes away the problem, previous to that I had experimented with mod covers and lamp tubes with little luck. I have zeroed both rifles with and without the lamp on and it makes no differance.

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I also have a 50mm Swaro PVS and tried all sorts of things. forget sunshades, forget moddy covers, tried them both. A strip of black insulating tape across a section running from about 5 to7 on a clock face on the far end of the scope will do as a temp fix, do not stick the tape to the lens just the housing, The permanent solution is a Butler creek lens cover on the objective ( barrell) end, when you flip the cover up to shoot it blocks the light in the bottom segment of the lamp getting to the moddy area, yes you do get a slightly dimmer pic but I have enough light to id and shoot at 200 yards plus with an orange lens on a 170 lamp.



Edited by Alycidon
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Thanks all for the advice.


I had the same problem with your rifle cossygun, so if you have fixed it I know it can be done.

Has anyone used the swarovski sun screens? They do not look very long.

Can they be stacked to get the length necessary?


I was considering getting some flip-up covers so will try that also.


Right... time to order a moderator cover.

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I have had this problem for ages and tried all the things mentioned so far in this forum - none of them worked. However, a few weeks ago there was a similar forum on PW and 'someone' - I can't find the article again to give the credit where it is deserved - came up with the answer. You need to put insulation tape across the lower one third of the front lense of the scope. Don't put it on the lense itself but get a clear lense cover and stick it on that. Yes, it cuts down the light entering the scope but it gets rid of the glare. I can now shoot up to 250yds without much problem using my Leopold 3-10 50mm scope and a lightforce 140 lamp. Keep the magnification as low as you can cope with in the individual circumstances. (You may need a little more than the lower one third taped off depending on your barrel length and moderator). Experiment - it does work.

Edited by Grandalf
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Thanks all for the advice.


I had the same problem with your rifle cossygun, so if you have fixed it I know it can be done.

Has anyone used the swarovski sun screens? They do not look very long.

Can they be stacked to get the length necessary?


I was considering getting some flip-up covers so will try that also.


Right... time to order a moderator cover.



I have the standard sun screen on my PVS, it comes with one. Makes no difference to your problem at all. Does help keep rain off the lens though. I think they can be stacked, (not used it for a few months).



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