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would this land be FAC approved??

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hi guys,


I have a sgc but I would like to get into rifle shooting.


I have a friend who also has a sgc and has a serious rabbit problem on the land he owns. He own approx 4 acres including his house. He has never applied for a firearms licence for his land as he doesnt think it will get passed for a .22 or .17. Ive tried loads of ways to cull the rabbits but its just never enough getting 1 or 2 at a time. shotgun is too load, 1 shot at a rabbit and then all the rabbits go in and dont come back out again(who can blame them), ive tried air rifle, good but getting close enough for a humane kill can be tricky as its very flat grassland with no cover.


anyway, im going to upload a pic and see what your thoughts are. The black triangle is his land, the blue line is a railway track on a elevated embankment and the red triangle is a kind of park for dog walkers. He has had someone with a .22 shooting there before but on an open cert so surely that guy thought it was safe


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The problem is that the land is very flat, a .22 subsonic will even bounce off a ploughed field, so hardbaked grass would be sounding like an old style Western movie. Pchooooooooowwwwww. Ziiiiiinnnnngggggg.


I suppose you could ask for HMR, I don't know what your FEO will think about it, but I've never had a bouncer from it.


End of the day just ask, I used to shoot squirrels and rabbits on my land with an air rifle because I didn't think it would be cleared. Willy1 came along with his open ticket and said "why don't you ask the FEO to have a look", now it's cleared to Hornet. Result. So, it's worth a go.

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The problem is that the land is very flat, a .22 subsonic will even bounce off a ploughed field, so hardbaked grass would be sounding like an old style Western movie. Pchooooooooowwwwww. Ziiiiiinnnnngggggg.


I suppose you could ask for HMR, I don't know what your FEO will think about it, but I've never had a bouncer from it.


End of the day just ask, I used to shoot squirrels and rabbits on my land with an air rifle because I didn't think it would be cleared. Willy1 came along with his open ticket and said "why don't you ask the FEO to have a look", now it's cleared to Hornet. Result. So, it's worth a go.


Next on the list....50BMG?? ;)



Alan :lol:

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hi guys,


I have a sgc but I would like to get into rifle shooting.


I have a friend who also has a sgc and has a serious rabbit problem on the land he owns. He own approx 4 acres including his house. He has never applied for a firearms licence for his land as he doesnt think it will get passed for a .22 or .17. Ive tried loads of ways to cull the rabbits but its just never enough getting 1 or 2 at a time. shotgun is too load, 1 shot at a rabbit and then all the rabbits go in and dont come back out again(who can blame them), ive tried air rifle, good but getting close enough for a humane kill can be tricky as its very flat grassland with no cover.


anyway, im going to upload a pic and see what your thoughts are. The black triangle is his land, the blue line is a railway track on a elevated embankment and the red triangle is a kind of park for dog walkers. He has had someone with a .22 shooting there before but on an open cert so surely that guy thought it was safe

Might sound obvious but ferrets and nets/shotgun?



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mk6 fenns straight down the holes, or an open ticket,


could'ent leave anymore help, was too busy watching your avitar :blush:

ME too!!!! Mesmerising :lol: Ferchrisssakes no one complain!!!!





Back on track:

The raised railway embankment is a plus! bullets just don't travel through railway embankments.

Do you know who owns the surrounding land? It may be worth a diplomatic approach and see if you could expand your permission slightly.

An approach I've found useful.

"Hi my name is ... and I shoot for farmer X, your neighbour for however long and I was wondering if I could control pests on your land, as and when needed? " Obviously mention your shooting insurance, careful attitude to shooting and your availability by mobile should he have a sudden agri-pest problem.

Being able to refer to a neighbouring landowner can often help your case! Joined-up pest control makes sense doesn't it?

With a bigger parcel of land to cover, the feo is likely to view it more positively.


Best of luck



Edited by The Duncan
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I'm not too sure about this one. As you say the land is very flat and there seems to be no shortage of dwellings close by. The railway embankment is a perfect backstop and offers perfect safety but a point the FEO may pick up on is that you don't have permission to shoot on the railway and so cannot use it as a backstop. All your rounds must stop before the fence or you will be breaking the law unfortunately.


I have shoots that I use railway land as a secondary backstop but if I had a ricochet then I would be committing an offence. :oops:

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