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Is Cameron kidding us


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We will not let Gaddafi murder his people, says Cameron


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364365/Libya-protests-We-let-Gaddafi-murder-people-says-Cameron.html#ixzz1G6141I3M



How is he going to do it and what and whom is he going to do it with - I hope he isn't doing a Bliar and licking Obama's rear end and throwing this country into another conflict.


What planet are these politicians on ? - "I know nick let's go help the Libyans they will really like us for bombing their brothers" Yea dream on David



Edited by DSPUK
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Couldn't agree more, whatever happens out there should be decided by the UN and "policed/enforced" by muslim countries, not by the west.


Of course then we'll be labelled as standing by and watching the slaughter of innocent civilians as we were in Serbia/Kosovo. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Oil is the only reason for us to get involved there and I'm sure we will to some extent.

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It was interesting to hear how reluctant Obama was in getting involved in the Libya issue. Probably becasue the yanks don't have as much of an interest in Libya as we do. There was also the bungled special forces deployment which happened the other day when our guys were captured by the local rebels and then released. Our government had red faces over that one. "We're coming over but we're going to be nice about it!" To be honest, Cameron hasn't got a clue. And as for that dipstick Nick Clegg, I'd be surprised if he knew what day it was.

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It was interesting to hear how reluctant Obama was in getting involved in the Libya issue. Probably becasue the yanks don't have as much of an interest in Libya as we do. There was also the bungled special forces deployment which happened the other day when our guys were captured by the local rebels and then released. Our government had red faces over that one. "We're coming over but we're going to be nice about it!" To be honest, Cameron hasn't got a clue. And as for that dipstick Nick Clegg, I'd be surprised if he knew what day it was.





I dont know how we as a country can do anything here but would love to see that daffi duck get a tomahawk through his letterbox. Ive not forgotten hiding down a banking with my face in a big dog **** waiting for the big fireball to get me and then rubble and all manner of **** like kerb stones and stuff landing about me as i shouted for my mum. I still to this day dont know how i never got hit lol.

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I firmly believe we should keep out of this have we learned nothing from all the other conflicts we have signed into,but because of kid glove tactics we have seemingly achieved sod all,let them get on with it because regardless who or what gains power we will suck up to them in order to get oil, and if the "new regime" wont play ball on that score you can bet your bottom dollar that nato pushed by us and the yanks will go in hard after deciding that its not going to support a "rogue state" after all :hmm:



Edited by kdubya
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And I would`nt support the politicians of any state who were wearing rouge.


oops spotted the slip! anyhow maggie wore rouge and she had more balls than the present incumbent



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This is akin to breaking up a fight between two drunks,as soon as you go in to sort them out the drunks join forces and turn on you.

We should stay out of it,let the US police the world if they want to.

Libya only produces 2% of the worlds oil anyway so it can't possibly be about oil can it?

And then of course,what about Zimbabwe?



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