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Shotgunning at Night


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I was out last night and decided to switch to the rimmie after about 10:30. Does anyone know if there's a law (like there is for using a car horn) in this country. I'm not a selfish person who just shoots next to a house without thinking that it's late at night, but I just mean in general, driving around the fields within earshot of houses.


Now the shooting season's out the way and it's warming up, I prefer to shotgun the little ******* :lol: I just don't want to end up in trouble.

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I was out last night and decided to switch to the rimmie after about 10:30. Does anyone know if there's a law (like there is for using a car horn) in this country. I'm not a selfish person who just shoots next to a house without thinking that it's late at night, but I just mean in general, driving around the fields within earshot of houses.


Now the shooting season's out the way and it's warming up, I prefer to shotgun the little ******* :lol: I just don't want to end up in trouble.


hello mate, to be honest there is no law(i think)for the times shooting must end, i base it all on personal discression and consideration of local populations. the noise pollution act can come into force after 11pm in built up areas but thats a civil matter and nothing to do with a criminal offence. i did have grief with locals after 9pm so brought a hushpower 20ga to use near houses. if regular shots are occuring e.g rabbit shooting then your right, most people's bedtime will be around 10.30-11pm so wrap it up by then, for foxing with only one or two shots i dont think its too bad if its later even if someone is woken due to the shot they will not know why. just be careful with the lamp, in most cases it will cause more of a problem then the gun shots, vehicle noise can also be a problem. its a case of a fine line between vermin control (crop/stock protection) and keeping the locals happy, "Townies" are a pain where ever and what ever time, as long as you know you are being safe and considerate then ignore any anti or negative remarks. good luck on the bunnies! atb dave

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Only restrictions I can think of relate to what can be shot during the hours of darkness.

Unfortunately what may go unnoticed during the day can be heard for miles at night.

As you say, its all about being considerate for others ... and not stirring up unwanted ####.

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