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Cheap snap cap, or bad idea?


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The firing pin ends up with a dent in the centre if you use a spent cart as a snap cap.


How do i know??? :*) :*)


Anyway the Semi I have claims it's fine to dry fire ;)


Empty chamber and cycle the shells from the mag out make sure it is empty and pull the trigger to release the tention on the hammer :wub:


I do as it says if it breaks it's warranted for 3 year :lol:



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If you are only dry firing once in a blue moon I would not bother with the snap cap. It is a fact that firing pins or strikers can become staved and fracture from dry firing though. I have never had one go my self and I dont use snap caps any more. I used to when I started out though.


How many on here have had firing pins fracture from dry firing and how old were the guns that faild??



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