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look what i found.........


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When posting a topic reply on top of the applet are a LOAD of buttons


One is IMG just click it a new applet opens at the top of the page


Go to your pic and right click on it and select COPY


Then right click in the applet and click PASTE


Then click ok.


Warning though it HAS to be a URL or in other words it has to be HOSTED online somewhere


I use www.hunt101.com it's free and you get a HUGE folder for storage.



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Not too many of these around now.................


:rolleyes: I've not seen any of them either SB :rolleyes:







I cant even begin to think why file uploads are dissabled in this forum - I once asked why but got no response.


Have you considerred putting it in the wrong forum, then when you get advised that it's in the wrong place point out that the forum is a bit lacking...?

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Still working on it I'm afraid. Managed to up load HALF of the picture onto Photobucket. Not sure what happened but the wine was working it's magic and I couldn't work it out so I switched the blooming thing off and I'll have another look tonight.

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This is the funniest thread I have seen in a long time!  :lol:



Or not "seen". :rolleyes::lol:

Don't you start either, just because you're in charge round here :lol:

I'm not in charge.

You ain't blaming this mess on me :sly::rolleyes::D

Howa cranfield admit it you keep deleteing it as fast as he's posting :/:lol::lol::D


















PS only joking :):P

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i thimk the picture that is not here could be disgusting. In my opinion posts such as these that are not visible to all undermine the progress that all of us strive for should these potentially horrible images be aired on the web, invisible or not at any time. i feel that if the not there are antis who could get hold of these pictures that are not posted then the damage could, if anyone were able to acces these be irrepairable. i therefore think to not post these pictures that are not there in such an irresponsible manner can only lead to censorship in the most stringent terms for an offence that is not clearly punishable as there is not clearly a punishable offence. In summary it sickens me to view such an abomination and must call for the mods to bring the punitive stick that is the power of the mods down on this potential deriver of good standards and what they feel right and proper. I for one am sickened at the potential breach of good taste and standards that has made this great site good.


why oh why oh why


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