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FAC Air Rifle


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Just to upset the Rapid owners .................In one word YES..........My S410 Xtra Fac knocks spots off the old mans rapid ............both 35 ft lb .


It'll come down to cost ............Unless buying second hand the AA,s will be alot cheaper than the theoben :ernyha: ..........IMO just as capable in the right hands as well .


Ive :ernyha:

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there are very few rifles out there that are not any ood at FAC power levels.


S4** rifles wont have any problem at all runnign at FAC levels apart from the number of shots, the best rifle i have ever tried was a S410 tawnado running around the 24Flbs mark much better than its big brother the EXTRA and yes i have tried them both.


bt i have to say one of the very best rifles you can get at FAC powers would have to be the gun power stealth, as the power rises so does its accuracy!


ROB :ernyha:

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I've posted before about the new Air arms S410xtra I bought having zeroing problems (it had to go back and have a new barrel fitted), and I read on BBS about exactly the same happening to someone else. Had to chase them up for a report on what was wrong and what was done to solve it, but never got given an explanation about how a brand new gun needed a new barrel.


Only tried it on targets after having it back and it know seems ok, but was very frustrated and pi**ed off back last autumn when I bought it and could not use it.

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Ive, I haven't seen the S410 Xtra yet but it is a definite possibility, How many shots do you get per charge at 35 ft lbs.


I charge mine to 200 bar ..........when it shows 100 bar on the guage I re-fill it .This is the case after 35 shots using the crossman Acupel (14grn) or 50 shots using Air Arms field (16 grn ) .You might get more before accuracy really drops off :D


This is the case with my particular S410 and for what it's worth I'll never sell it .



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How does the EXTRA differ from the CLASSIC?

Is there any difference from the outside or is it all internal?

The air resovior ia considerably longer ...........the barrel incorporates it's own built in silencer by being shrouded with 2 exit /vent holes under the scope .This is the older model .........the newer version comes with adjustable power (12-35ft lbs )and a safety. :D Don't know about any more differences snakey :/


Quote Air Arms........





The S410 Xtra is the highest powered gun in the Air Arms range. Producing 30-35ftlb (41-47joules) in .22 there is plenty of power for most air rifle applications. Depending on the pellet used velocities of 1000ft/sec in .22 (5.5mm) and 1100ft/sec in .177 (4.5mm).




Just under sonic :/



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just to throw a spanner in the works for fac air there is only one way to go and thats the rapid way?

cheers KW




Just to throw another spanner in the works i agree with kdubya theoben rapids are the way to go.

I knew it would,nt be long before I heard from you pair :wacko:


Ive :/

cos you know we are right Ive :blink: ???:D:/:/:/:D

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My S410 Xtra Fac knocks spots off the old mans rapid ............both 35 ft lb .



I knew it would,nt be long before I heard from you pair





cos you know we are right Ive

You Know what Mike ..............If I had a quid for every time the old man as said fancy a swap son ..............I'd be a millionaire :/


Ive :/:/:D

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just to throw a spanner in the works for fac air there is only one way to go and thats the rapid way?

cheers KW




Just to throw another spanner in the works i agree with kdubya theoben rapids are the way to go.

I knew it would,nt be long before I heard from you pair :ernyha:


Ive :(

cos you know we are right Ive :lol::lol: :thumbs: :blink: :D:):)

rapid every day not that there anything wrong with a AA but its not a rapid is it??

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just to throw a spanner in the works for fac air there is only one way to go and thats the rapid way?

cheers KW




Just to throw another spanner in the works i agree with kdubya theoben rapids are the way to go.

I knew it would,nt be long before I heard from you pair :D


Ive :lol:

cos you know we are right Ive :D:D :thumbs: :blink: :D:):)

rapid every day not that there anything wrong with a AA but its not a rapid is it??

CORRECT that man :lol:;) :( :ernyha::lol:

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I use a Falcon at 3,000 psi and 30 ft/lb . Great gun BUT at 30 ft/lbs after 8 shots the power drops off to useless.


With the 12 litre recharge cylinder I would have to take a wheel barrow rabbiting with me to carry the bottle. I must get a portable cylinder!!


With hind sight I should have bought a gun with a bigger air chamber.


Oh well..... long live the Rimfire !


My advice is think about the compromise between power and number of shots.





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get you rapid played with right and get 40 with 45 shots

mine power increase job was done by the bloke that invented the gun Ben Taylor and i get 100+ at 28ftlbs that does me if i need anymore power i will use the .22 rimmy or the .17HMR :blink: :D:) :thumbs:

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get you rapid played with right and get 40 with 45 shots

standard 30lb mk2 .22 wll give according to theoben 90 shots realisticy probably 70ish!


my guns first doing a GENUINE 30lb with aa fields gives me 6 mags (72) before I think about shots left? (dont know how many more I would get as I have never tried) my 40lb again GENUINE with aa fields 43 odd with bismags gives me 55 consistent shots and then perhaps another 5 usable, more than enough for any application I have needed mine are both modded mk1's superb bits of kit well underestimated

cheers KW

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Cheers all,

I think I'm sold on the 410 Xtra but I'll have a look at the Rapid as well.

P03 :o

Excellant choice ???:beer::lol::lol:


With the rapid there are additions that can be attached to make it more in the field friendly but they look cumbersome IMO............You won't have a problem with Sling and Bi-pod attachments on the S410 Xtra Fac :D There is also the issue of cost if buying new (Yes I know what your going to say Keith :rolleyes: )


I have pictures of my Dads MkII Rapid With Sling and Harris attached Using a quick release S/S bracket designed and made by myself .If anyone wants a peep drop me a e-mail contact via the PM and I'll send some photos :lol:



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i have had both the rapid and the aa.


i still own the air arms :ernyha:


they both have good and bad points, the rapid has a good reservoir and is bomb proof, the trigger is ****.


the s410 has a very sweet trigger and is target accurate, you wont be hitting anything if you knock the moderator on a tree though.


imho the xtra is way too long and i dont like big power curves, if you have the cash take a look at the daystate mk3 sports in fac. best trigger and sweetest shooting fac air gun you can get.



btw, mine is an s410 classic witha ben taylor reg. 27 shots at 930 fps with aa fields. we had 55 shots @27ftlbs but i wanted it flatter and have never shot 27 rabbits in one go anyway. its only going 100fps slower than my sako.22lr, and does very very tight groups.





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i have had both the rapid and the aa.


i still own the air arms :lol:




imho the xtra is way too long and i dont like big power curves,

I shoot my xtra by resting on the harris or anything else that is available because the downside to such a long resovoir is that it makes this particular AA's front heavy .........basically the balance is poor compared to the rapid which IMO is very good .........................But your shooting between 50-75m depending on wind most of the time and it's a very special shooter who can rest using their own limbs and deliver that sort of accuracy time after time at that distance .


For the money you pay the S410 Xtra Fac is a superb hunting rifle compared to the dearer ones in the same catagory


I rate this rifle so highly that I've gone for a 1 for 1 variation by chopping in the .22lr for the .17 hmr instead of the FAC Airgun :ernyha::P



Thats a nice rifle mark and I for one am amazed by the amount of shots you get per charge for such a small resovoir . I bet it's handy for quick shot placement :lol:

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