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Where are the bunnies ?


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My part of Suffolk just outside Ipswich theres loads of them, hot barrels every weekend for me, I cant give them away and the missus has banned me from bringing anymore home again, I been out with the one of the land owners quite a few times mid week, shot good numbers, he doesnt want them either one of the other land owners is shooting them however big they are he's fed up with the damage, there is a helluva lot of young ones round here as well, I have only seen 2 with mixy so far.


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Odd spot of mixi here in south Lincs, but nothing to speak of. Bunnies are down a little though, could be down to the last harsh winter. (Or my fantabulous shooting... :hmm::lol: )

Edited by pabs
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It seems the other way up 'norf, there are quite a few at the moment


Finally got my SGC, had my firearms for a good few years.....but I don't have the time.


Lost a farm a few months ago as I didnt have the time to shoot, when I went to see the damage they caused I could understand why

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Not many evident on my small permission in Essex :no:

Typical ! Now I've got my FAC and SGC :yes:

All I need now is Rabbits :unsure:

Drove out this evening to take a walk around my permission this evening, think I left it a little to late as it was getting dark when I arrived.

I loaded up the magazine for my new CZ 455 22lr and walked along the track at the edge of the field, in the distance I could make out the rabbits running back off the field across the track and into the hedgerow.

I dropped to one knee, took aim and steadied my breath, as bunny lifted his head I squeezed the trigger as smoothly as my pounding heart would allow and with no more than a 'click' mr rabbit fell over backwards and lay perfectly still, no twitching, - nothing.


I paced it out from where I knelt to where he fell = 104 paces, adustable parallax on the scope indicates it somewhere around 100yrds.

POI was centre of forehead.

That was it for the night, too dark, went home One bunny for one shot.

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