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no bread at the start of your meal?


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I work in a restaurant when i'm not out shooting. Over the past few months we have noticed less and less people are eating the bread rolls that we make nor they are just eating the one instead of two. So I was wondering is the entire population now scared of eating carbs. Do we all think that by eating a couple of bread rolls before dinner we are going to end up the size of an American. So how many of you have started to eat less bread and have you noticed any difference? I just realised it could just be that we make **** bread!


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I've cut a fair amount of bread out of my diet - used to have toast in the morning and then sarnies for lunch, but found it was giving me indigestion. I do feel better for not having it! BUT when I'm out for dinner I do my best to get through the whole roll basket before anyone else does!

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Quite a few resteraunt's have the bread already on the table but provide frozen butter when the meal is served.


By the time I've eaten my starter the butter has just about thawed :rolleyes:


I don't eat bread when dinning out with a main meal, for no reason other than spoiling the taste, because I love butter.


Different story at home .... it's bread roll's with everythink.

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Quite a few resteraunt's have the bread already on the table but provide frozen butter when the meal is served.


By the time I've eaten my starter the butter has just about thawed :rolleyes:


I don't eat bread when dinning out with a main meal, for no reason other than spoiling the taste, because I love butter.


Different story at home .... it's bread roll's with everythink.


No such butter issues at our place fortunately, we get it out nice and early.The reason most places you go give you cold butter is because they buy it in frozen and more often than not in a nice little shape. It is just another thing that winds me up, are the skills of the chefs of this country depleting that badly that they can't even cut up a block of butter, that along with chefs buying frozen ready made omellettes, precooked baked potatoes and even ready cooked cheese on toast. If you put a whole fish or pig on their chopping boards they would run a mile but they still claim to know everything because they wear the uniform and watched Ramsay on tv

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The reason they give a load of bread is because they cut down on size of meals they give and you think you have had a good meal.- don't eat bread and complain you didn't get value for money on meal.




Please don't suggest we are all like this, generosity in our food is something we pride ourselves on whether it be quantity or quality you definitely get your moneys worth

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So, let me get this right......


The Bread is Free, but you pay for the meal.


So technically i could help myself to the bread rolls and have them for my packed lunch at work the next day.



It's a set price for 3 courses it's up to you what you do with the food. But it's not the sort of place you would do that sort of thing.We really aren't the local wetherspoons

Edited by hendersons
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I live in the Cotswolds and might like to eat at your place, you sound like you care about food and customers. Could you PM me the details?




With pleasure but this really wasn't a advertising exercise.

I was thinking about inviting a few of the local pw'rs over one sunday evening for a bit of a social and I would lay on a bit of food but will have to discuss it with my business partners first as I don't want to be seen to be taking the wee but I can't see it being a problem.

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If you order a really nice meal then why fill up on the free bread and find you cant finish your meal?





I can honestly say I have NEVER been out for a meal and not been able to finish what had been served. Apart from in the all you can eat Chinese, mainly because they never stop serving it! :lol:

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I think it's a tough one regarding the bread, I went for a very fine seven course 'tasting' menu (with wine pairings) not so long ago and to be quite honest were it not for the bread (which was home made, loads of different types, and frankly stunning) keeping coming, I would have left that table hungry. Not that it wasn't good, but there was just not suite enough food for me.

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I think it's a tough one regarding the bread, I went for a very fine seven course 'tasting' menu (with wine pairings) not so long ago and to be quite honest were it not for the bread (which was home made, loads of different types, and frankly stunning) keeping coming, I would have left that table hungry. Not that it wasn't good, but there was just not suite enough food for me.


Where was it and was the rest of the meal any good?

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I eat tons of bread to try and sop me feeling hungury and snacking. Rolls and butter when out can be delicious.


If you go to my local good eatery it is your duty to starve yourself first.



Garlic Prawns


12 Hevily garlic'd prawns :good::good::good: with bread rolls.




I had a Mixed grill the other week, you can have with or without offal, i had without.


2 Large steaks

2 Pork chops

2 lamb chops

2 Sausages





Boiled Potatoes

Green Veg




I did not bother with desert.


It was faboulus though.


With 2 pints of beer £35 not bad id say.

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Bread well made and presented is an important part of any good meal.


Many restuarants serve part baked bread and forget that they have the other part of the baking process to complete.


Rolls can be off putting as no matter how small, they look a lot to eat, why not make a loaf, cut the slices about 1" thick and then cut the slice into 3 so that you have a finger of bread about 1" square and a few inches long, this will show little or no crust, look less to eat, and more appealing especially if the bread has some inclusions, Olives, Seeds, Apricots,Sultanas or Grains for example.


Please let me know when you have this get together, and if I can make it, perhaps you will allow me to assist you prepare the bread.



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