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Wabbit's, skinning of and prep


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Right then, My mothers never enjoyed doing my rabbits so decided it was about time I got my hand in (I'm 32 after all!)


Mother has always followed the Mrs Beeton way! and everything I've read is just variation, What I've not read anywhere is how to remove the "poop shoot" In the end I cut through between the rear legs as just trying to pull it through snapped it! The same at the neck, after cutting the head off and pulling the stomach out the tube to the neck still snapped!


Bleed or not? what are the reasons for bleeding and is it really necessary? Is it just down to the flavour of the meat?


Hang or not? what are the reasons for hanging? I had hung this one for about 20 hours surely they're easier to skin before they go stiff?



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Ok, here is my views:

'poop shoot'; just follow it all the way down, then rip it all out, just grab it where you can, then just follow it like a rope or somthing.

hanging; dont hang it, hares hang, rabbit just dont, well not for any long period of time. (1 day is fine)

bleeding; i never have i never will. They taste perfect without being 'bled'' when my friend gave me one to eat that had been bled it tasted more dry, so i wouldn't advise it in my opinion, but some people like dry meat.

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Theres not enough blood in them for that :lol:

I shoot mine, and on the spot where it fell, I remove insides and head to make them lighter to carry home.


Once home, I cut the chest open, and cut the pelvic bone to remove the rest of the bits, and cut through the tail nice and close to the pelvic bone again.

Then skin, and cut/break leg bones at chosen length, and strip fur off. Then its under the tap, and a good hand wash (dont use sponge, dish brush etc, just wsh by hand) under cold water, and remember to be carfull around the cut pelvic bone, as the sides can be very sharp and slice your fingers when you are cleaning it.


Then into bags and into the freezer.. no cooling off like a freshly shot deer which takes several hours to cool.

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after being shot they need to be gutted on the spot, other wise they guts will spoil the meat and will be alot lighter then before, then when you get home, skin, pinch abit of skin from the back, put knife through, then pull up, put both fingers into the slit and pull both ways, the skin will come of with ease, when you get to the back legs just simply pull through the legs and skin will come of, when you get to the head of the rabbit, just twist it of, break front and back legs to the way you like them, then take the tail of with the knife and then put finger through **** to take out the ****e, give a wash and you have a fresh rabbit fr the pot. :lol:

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Bleeding is generally for larger animals which contain alot of blood. A rabbit has very little and will not generally require this.


Hanging is down to prefernce. The purpose of hanging is to allow the fibres in the meat to break down, this helps to tenderize the meat. In a Rabbit it will also make it more gamey in taste. If you want to hang your Rabbit, then up to 3 days max is suggested and up to 4 for Hare.

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Thanks for this thread, I had read this when I first joined Pigeon Watch and then sent the link to all my squeamish townie friends! lol :lol:




I think its probably just confidence and the more I do the easier I'll find it. The next one will be gutted in the field, from all I've read and your advice above, I think I'll partially skin to reveal the belly having shaken by hind legs then slit up the belly and use the flick method holding front and hind legs to flick the guts out in to a hole. I assume the tubes **** and neck end just get pinched out and the rest cleaned out when I get home to finish the job.


Have been content with one rabbit at a time (still need to get a deep freeze!) but if I start bringing home larger bags I can try the different ways suggested.


Thanks for all the advice.



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Pinch and cut into the belly.......careful not to go into the guts..........


Slit all the way from the back end to the chest cavity..........


Latex gloves on and get your hand in..........rip out innards.......up into the chest cavity and through the lung area,,,rip out heart and lungs.....


Hands in around the belly area, all the way to the back and round the other side....pull off fur,,,,,,,,down to back legs. chop off feet and front paws...Pull em over and off back legs first..


Pull skin forward to the head and over front paws.......up a bit more so skin goes over head...........chop its bonce off.......


Tail end...........fingers into its ****...get the last 3 or 4 pellets out............rip out the rectum.........V notch into the area where the tail was.


Job done...

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It is just practice. Get a favorite skinning knife and away you go.

For a gutting knife I like to use a stanley Knife ...........The re-fill blades are something like 50p for a pack of 10 from Wilkos so every outing change the blade around :lol: You don't have to fully expose the blade either so lessening the risk of disturbing the guts .


My Method , Cold conditions eg


After shooting paunch the dead rabbit ...ie Lie the rabbit on it's back and with your thumb press hard from the belly down to the back legs to empty the remains of the bladder


Take one of the back legs Insert blade in the soft tissue between leg bone and tendon and put the other leg through the slit made (Hoching ) and hang in a tree or anywhere high up head down and out of reach of charlie so as you can return to it later .


Now I gut standing up in the field ...........Take the rabbit (head facing up ) and feel for the start of the breast bone . With the stanley knife in sert the blade at this point and run down to the anus .............The guts will have started to come out .....Don't worry you'll speed up with experience


Simply with both hands put the rabbit in a reverse arch and with a GOOG SWING throw out the contents . You'll be left with the Heart Liver and Kidneys .......A good rabbit will have a good layer of fat (Yellow coloured tissue ) around the kidneys :lol:


You have to insert your hand to remove the offal and don't forget to poke your finger right up it's back passage to remove the remaing currents when back at the sink .


In Summer or warmer conditions ..........gut straight away


Well done for wanting to get involved in the messy side of shooting :lol:

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Well done for wanting to get involved in the messy side of shooting ???

Whilst growing up my Grandmother always tried to teach me 'waste not want not!' So I just would not shoot a Wabbit unless it was destined for a pot! :oops:


However I'll quite happily shoot the rats invading my composters! and the blasted Rooks, Crows or Jackals that nest in my chimney! (not started on these yet though!)


As for the 'Barrymore move' that’s just not PC is it! ???


............ Excellent!

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