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Do ******* that mug old men count as vermin, and therefore am I legally able to dispose of them with a .22 air rifle?


This poor old guy was attacked just outside my house. I was in 2 very different minds.


1) I wanted to help, of course I did, but I have my feo visit today, and if I got involved in a street brawl, it mightn't have been good.


2) Just call the police and ambulance, this was the course of action taken.


What would have happened had I got physically involved, would the police and feo see "my good intentions"? Fortunately for them and possibly me, my machete had been put away 30 mins prior to this occurring, after being fully sharpened for attacking Japanese knot weed at the weekend, I assume, possibly very correctly, that had I run into the street brandishing that I would be sitting in a room at the pleasure of her majesty.


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i would agree what ever u did would have bad out come. but i think the police wouldnt do much to you if you had gone out to help an old person who was being attacked ok runing out with a big knife wouldnotbe a good choice but im sure some wood or pole would of been beta choice. scum bags who attackthe old needa good kicking if it was out side my house, i would hope id go out and help

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Had you gone out there unarmed and shown any sign of anger or got physical that would be your FAC gone , You could have been arrested , its an awful situation this country has got into , but it has happened before that the innocent person has been the one who came off worse in court.

Even a bit of swearing at someone when your driving or sticking your fingers up at them is considered an act of aggresion , so if your demmed a violent person theres no way they will let you have an FAC .

Even if you get a caution this could show up on a CRB check in the future which could affect your chances of employment .

Phone the police and let them deal with it , is sadly the correct thing to do these days , whether any of as actualy would take that course of action is totaly different but its something to be aware of .


Edited by Dave 101
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Had you gone out there unarmed and shown any sign of anger or got physical that would be your FAC gone , You could have been arrested , its an awful situation this country has got into , but it has happened before that the innocent person has been the one who came off worse in court.

Even a bit of swearing at someone when your driving or sticking your fingers up at them is considered an act of aggresion , so if your demmed a violent person theres no way they will let you have an FAC .

Even if you get a caution this could show up on a CRB check in the future which could affect your chances of employment .

Phone the police and let them deal with it , is sadly the correct thing to do these days , whether any of as actualy would take that course of action is totaly different but its something to be aware of .



:stupid: +1


Sadly I have to agree.

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I can see your reasons, if it was me, I would of gone out there, but not in anger, just ran over to scare the little ****** away. Its people like that that should get run over by a bus, but not killed insantly, rolled under the wheel arch and still alive. What a waster. That poor old bloke, imagine what hes seen, imagine what stories he has to tell, I love old people, got loads of respect for them, he doesnt need that.

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Twice I have interrupted muggings/street attacks in towns late at night when driving by, just by getting out of the car, shouting loudly and running towards them.

On both occasions the attackers ran away.

If they hadn't, I hope my actions (unarmed) would have been taken as self defence.

(I also hope my stay in Hospital would have been brief :) )


I think when you take any weapon with you it becomes a matter of "reasonable force", thats when you can get into trouble.

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Had you gone out there unarmed and shown any sign of anger or got physical that would be your FAC gone , You could have been arrested , its an awful situation this country has got into , but it has happened before that the innocent person has been the one who came off worse in court.

Even a bit of swearing at someone when your driving or sticking your fingers up at them is considered an act of aggresion , so if your demmed a violent person theres no way they will let you have an FAC .

Even if you get a caution this could show up on a CRB check in the future which could affect your chances of employment .

Phone the police and let them deal with it , is sadly the correct thing to do these days , whether any of as actualy would take that course of action is totaly different but its something to be aware of .



What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. - Billy Madison.

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If an old fella was getting it I dont think I could watch that. I'd like to think that I'd steam in. Balls to the SGC, sometimes you have to make a stand, especially when its somebody who may well have done his bit during the war for our freedom.


If it was a youngster I'd be more reluctant. A youth was smacking his mrs about in Canterbury one evening about 15 years ago and she was a in bit of a state, nobody did anything. I was with my mrs and she looked at me as if it was my job to intervene. I walked over and asked her if she was alright and the pair of the scum bags started on me!!! Never again.

Edited by ack-ack
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I sympathise with you about the sick situation about the attacking and having little respect for the older generation , and yes you did the right thing even though your conscience says other whys


The World Has Gone Mad :/


I too was in a situation with a couple who were in a heated argument/fighting with each other

l had just bought and was eating a kebeb with extra hot chilli sauce when the couple were laying into each (the girl was coming off worse ) when l intervened .. Wish l hadnt


Both started on me , more so the boyfriend


l warned him several times to back off and wanted nothing to with him or her , but he kept coming at me


So l let him have it and shoved my kebab into his face ,


God you should have heard him scream !


It was either the hot chilli sauce in his eyes or that he might have been a vegetarian !


I soon made quick escape from him and police


We have a German Shepherd now so any disturbance outside , we just take the dog out for a stroll on lead ..


They soon disperse

Edited by Rede2Kite
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scum bags mate.


i helped a girl being knocked about by her fella in brighton on a night out, only to have them start on me! what they wasnt ready for was the 5 foot nothing ball of anger otherwise known as carley coming up behind me. this girl is a stunner, i meen a real beaut but firey as hell. she stepped in front of me and BANG!!!!! one swift dig in the chops and the guy folded like a knapkin.


i just carryed on with my kebab and went home.


some people really do need bringing down a peg or two.



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If an old fella was getting it I dont think I could watch that. I'd like to think that I'd steam in. Balls to the SGC, sometimes you have to make a stand, especially when its somebody who may well have done his bit during the war for my freedom.




Even if you ended up filling in the muggers, what will they do, go to the police, "oh, I was minding my own business mugging an old man, when this thug ran over to help him, after I tried to punch him he filled me in. I want to press charges officer." :rolleyes:



Would you stand and watch if it was your grandad? Sod my guns, I know I would'nt :no:

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Hahah, all of these replies are in someway realted to me, with the exception of sticking hot chili sauce in a guys eye.


I've just had the FEO round and he was reading me the riot act, in between being attacked by a puppy and drinking his tea. I explain this situation and he words were:


"Get out there and do what you need to" This is his view of essex police. His reasoning is, you're stopping a crime being commited so he could see no issues with the SGC though logged on CRB so possible job loss :hmm: .


I was gunna take the dog out, but she is 14 weeks old and a shih tzu. :good:


If they had NO shoes on she would have bit their toes so much they would think twice before doing it again :D


But, the only saving grace here is I have seen these scum bags around quite a lot recently, and can easily identify them :good::good: Revenge will be served cold.

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Can l point out that most situations nowadays outside your house with ****holes of society , will involve ****holes of society coming round later when its dark and throwing something through your window or letterbox (stones , excrement , petrol bomb)etc


As they know where you live


It all depends on the severity of the situation and every situation is different to react on


We had it here once but the ****wipes got the wrong house and put a golf ball through their lounge window !


Police could do nothing - No evidence , no witness

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In such a situation I like to think that I would, without a thought, go out to help.


To put selfish thoughts of losing ones fac before the well being of an older person is, to me, appalling.


Sorry but thats typical of what is wrong with todays society. Self, self, self.

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As fare as I am concerned if you are not man enough to stand up and help some old person who is being attacked outside of your own house then you do not deserve to have permission to have a gun.


if a thug came up to you when you was out shooting and demanded that you give him your gun as a gutless wonder you probably would just hand it over.


Now comes the deluge of insults but I believe that it is time that we all stood up to these scum.

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The times I've been in these situations recently I remove myself from it asap. I've not been in trouble for years and I want to keep it that way. I don't know how I'd react once I was hurt now, but I know how I did when I was younger and that's not pretty.


I don't stop once I've started so if I got involved there would be two losers. A very hurt mugger and me in big trouble. :yes:


The last close call I had was when I was 18. I knocked a blokes drink in a club and he started - big meat head of a bloke, he would have eaten me alive! My mrs at the time calmly ordered a bottle of Newcastle Brown, as soon as it touched the bar she picked it up, turned around and planted it clean over the top of the guys head. He was out cold. Beer, glass and blood everywhere! I just thank my (and her) luck she didn't kill the poor ****** and since then I've been wary of nights out in town! That's the way me and my friends were - no pride, fight dirty and win. :oops:

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As fare as I am concerned if you are not man enough to stand up and help some old person who is being attacked outside of your own house then you do not deserve to have permission to have a gun.


if a thug came up to you when you was out shooting and demanded that you give him your gun as a gutless wonder you probably would just hand it over.


Now comes the deluge of insults but I believe that it is time that we all stood up to these scum.


It's not a case of not manning up. I have a lot to lose should I pick up a criminal record, job which then means I can't pay the mortgage, which then means I lose the house, then where does that leave me.


I don't believe calling the police then leaving the house to help, ok they had gone at this point, but assistance was still offered, is in any pansy.


Would you like to come and ask me for me guns?

Edited by boneheaduk
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In such a situation I like to think that I would, without a thought, go out to help.


To put selfish thoughts of losing ones fac before the well being of an older person is, to me, appalling.


Sorry but thats typical of what is wrong with todays society. Self, self, self.



Again more than just guns to be lost with a criminal record.

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