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Dead Dogs

The Essex Hunter

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Being a first time dog owner, my dog overheated today whilst in the garden. She could barely walk and kept falling over. Fortunately I caught her in time and cooled her down but had the worse of happened, I would feel absolutely terrible about it. It's terrible to think a proffesional dog handle could do this.

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I appreciate that we don't know the full facts but as an ex police dog handler there is absolutely no excuse for leaving dogs in unventilated cars, except for the coldest months. That said, how many on here who feel the same way leave their wet, cold dogs in their vehicles after a shooting or beating session while they have a drink or crack with their mates? That is nearly as bad in my book.

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A review of Police vehicles won't do anything. They were in his own car.



Didn't realise that having skim read the link but I stand by my post. For all you chaps know he was on autopilot, you dont know whats going on his private life or anything. At face value it sounds like an act of gross negligence, if it transpires later that his wifes having an affair, his mums got cancer or his kids terminally ill it would put a whole different slant on it. Impaired judgement etc etc.


He's going to be getting **** for this for the rest of his career if he still has one, barking noises behind his back, bonios in his locker, endless dog puns etc etc. He'll never forget what he's done and it will **** him right up.


If it turns out he's just a forgetful bell end then give him the works but its nice to have all the facts first.

Edited by ack-ack
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The lad concerned was leaving the dogs for quite some time - he didn't just nip in to a shop.


He is a professional dog handler.


He has done this before.


Half hearted suicide attempt - throwing himself from a car at 30mph.


Wrist cut - but not enough to kill him.


The man is a disgrace to the uniform and the human race.

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It's against the law (it's inthe highway code) to leave an engine running uneccasarily unless carrying out mainfainence work etc but still a good idea with the aircon. It is totally unacceptable really especially when it haPpened last year too! We all know how hot it is in a stationary car even with the windows wide open!

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