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Shooting over rape


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Hi All,


We've put more rape down this year than normal, typical with the wheat prices...


The swath is really quite high, about 3 foot or so, the stubble is a good 12 or more inches high, We tried yesterday and had lots of interest but no birds committed. I used a simple U pattern and put most deeks on the top of the swath.


I kinda gathered that the stubble was so high and so dense that a bird wouldn't even committ to the ground, hence no flaring for a easy shot, is this normal over rape?


We had 70+ birds on the powerlines above us, good flight line, but a poor days shooting.


Any ideas or do I just sack it and wait for the wheat to be done.

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I've heard good things about using a rotary in this sort of situation, but then again you are now so close to the rape getting cut, is it really worth it?


Hmm, its been swathed, cut, whatever, just awating the combine to pick up, I have no experience on rape. I just can't see the birds committing to stubble.

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Swathed rape is a pigeon shooters urika . Depending on when you are going to combine I would keep my eye on it and shoot it before the combine gets to it . My farmer dont swathe his rape but sprays it off and combines directly . So I dont get a chance on the swathes . I envy you .


Harnser .

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Swathed rape is a pigeon shooters urika . Depending on when you are going to combine I would keep my eye on it and shoot it before the combine gets to it . My farmer dont swathe his rape but sprays it off and combines directly . So I dont get a chance on the swathes . I envy you .


Harnser .


Thanks, thats good to know, I must of just had a bad day. Reason I asked in the first instance is that I couldn't see the birds wanting to land on the stubble, it just looks as though there is nowhere for them to land.


Now, decoys...should they be on the stubble, on the swath, both? and pattern, random? or just use a magnet and no deeks (as I've read some people do)


Sorry for all the Q's, I missed the rape shooting last year, and there was only a small amount, this year we have about 300+ acres of swath to shoot over.


I'll get back out this afternoon.

Edited by kyska
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decoys on the swathe, a rotary and perhaps a couple of floaters/bouncers, sit back and fill yer boots (and not just with the seed :) ).


None of my farmers swathe rape any more, very depressing. :no:

About 3 years ago they all did.


Pigeons find plenty of room to land among the rape stalks.

If you look at wheat stubble, most of it is higher than a pigeon, but it doesn't put them off.

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Plenty swathed round my way ,place decoys on the swath or on canes to lift above the crop use flapper or rotary to give movement .It can be very good if your in the right spot on the day, just be very carefull after a week of it being swathed as it just pours out with the slightest of touches :yes:

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I find the pigeons are normally feeding hard in the standing rape when it is nearly ready to be combined. As soon as it is cut i try to be there within a day or two - normally with decent results.

The first field is being cut as i write this and across the road from there 3-400 are feeding in the standing stuff. Looking forward to having a go.

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Thanks for all the replies chaps.


I'm going out this afternoon, I was planning on using the magnet, but I don't think I'll have transport this afternoon so it may have to stay at home, my shooting bud can't get out so I'm going solo and don't have the inclination to yomp it all on my own.


My plan is to use my shell deeks...put most of these on the swath?


I only have two bouncers...in the swath too?


Any particula? pattern or just random...should they be spread out or bunched together?


Never been on my own, I'll report how I get on.

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Thanks for all the replies chaps.


I'm going out this afternoon, I was planning on using the magnet, but I don't think I'll have transport this afternoon so it may have to stay at home, my shooting bud can't get out so I'm going solo and don't have the inclination to yomp it all on my own.


My plan is to use my shell deeks...put most of these on the swath?


I only have two bouncers...in the swath too?


Any particula? pattern or just random...should they be spread out or bunched together?


Never been on my own, I'll report how I get on.

Put your decoys out in random fashion - that should work. Put them where they are most visible. Same goes for the bouncers, too.

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