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to paint or not to paint

Old Bull

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i have been given some old full bodied pigeon decoys but the white collars have come of but i decided to try them out anyway they worked realy good i got 4 pigeons to land in about 10 minutes of setting them up :blink: and they pulled pigeons in all afternoon so i was wondering wheather to bother painting the white collars back on or not :hmm::hmm::hmm:


any advice welcome cheers :good:

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If you see wood pigeons on the ground, the first thing you notice is the white ring on the neck.

You see this even in stubbles and low crops and from quite a distance.

I make sure the white neck ring on my decoys shows up. :yes:


Does it matter to the pigeons ?

I have no idea, but it gives me confidence and thats what matters.

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cheers guys for all the feedback


If you see wood pigeons on the ground, the first thing you notice is the white ring on the neck.

You see this even in stubbles and low crops and from quite a distance.

I make sure the white neck ring on my decoys shows up.


thats the bit i meen but they still seem to come in :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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be careful what you use dont see many painted woodies our way and i would think they know, prob more to do with shape than anything else having siad that i think you can now get UV paint? supposed to be closer to nature :hmm:

White matt emulsion works fine. All of my flock coated decoys have been painted with it and i do ok.

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If you see wood pigeons on the ground, the first thing you notice is the white ring on the neck.

You see this even in stubbles and low crops and from quite a distance.

I make sure the white neck ring on my decoys shows up. :yes:


Does it matter to the pigeons ?

I have no idea, but it gives me confidence and thats what matters.


I agree... its prominance is used as a recognition for other pigeons of the same species. The wing Bars however are used in display and also as an alarm or to confuse hawks when the birds are flighted when flocked up.


I would paint the collar but not worry too much about the wing bars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i am not a pigeon man, however i have just been re-reading a great oldish American wildfowling book and the authour mentions shooting in daylight over totally unpainted black deeks (blocks as they call them) and doing fine and knowing one pro who paints all his bright flouro type polka dots coz he says they get noticed easier and draw more duck than the natural coloured ones. My own few pigeon deeks are tatty as heck but i only use them for daytime feral culling (very little use as 99% i do at night) as we have no crops here i don't shoot the limited number i get. Do woodies come into the various colours of ferals on the fields ? if so shape and movement might be more important than exact colour perhaps? Is an errect neck and visible white band not a danger warning?

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I dont like to much white on the neck and in no way will i ever paint them again with UV paint.


when a pigeon is alarmed his/her head will go up and the neck bands will show up more so by putting big bands on your deks or even over stretching dead birds, you are putting out an alarm to start with so the birds that are coming in are already on guard.


as for UV paint. i was hooked, i went and bought a bottle and painted all my deks. all 100 of them. now all i get is birds that jinx. we swapped mine for a friends that i flock coated that same time as mine but have no UV on and the birds came in.


lesson learnt. if it ain't broke, dont fix it..




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