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pigeon verses my lounge window


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I was woken up this morning by a loud bang from down stairs, a pigeon had flown into the window this is the second time this week, the first bird was some kind of bird of prey it flopped about a bit then recovered took off to the trees at the bottom of the garden, about ten minutes later flew off. the pidgeon not so lucky its in the bin, any one had this happen to them, more concerned about the window dont fancy forking out about 300 quid for a new unit, been lucky this time, not so for the pidgeon :no::

Edited by gemini52
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Mrs BGTS feeds the birds in the garden this is always a problem, the birds do not recognise reflections and think it is just open air and so bang, most just get stunned and fly off but some are not so lucky. Ok for pigeons etc but not so good for songbirds. I would not have thought a normal bird would have the weight to break a window though.

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Happens quite often with small birds, goldfinch,bluetit which usually fly off after a bit of recovery time, but yesterday a collared dove did not recover and met its end. We regularly have dust imprints of various bird species imprinted on the windows.

I often watch a sparrow hawk hunting around the house and garden and its prey flys with such speed to escape they could fly into anything just to get away. But sometimes I think they are just a bit unlucky in their choice of direction. :no:


One bedroom window in particular, we leave the curtains partially closed to try and help avoid it happening.

No chance of it breaking double glazed window IMO, unless maybe we get an influx of low flying geese perhaps :o :o

Edited by Good shot?
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Mrs BGTS feeds the birds in the garden this is always a problem, the birds do not recognise reflections and think it is just open air and so bang, most just get stunned and fly off but some are not so lucky. Ok for pigeons etc but not so good for songbirds. I would not have thought a normal bird would have the weight to break a window though.

hi mate no it didnt break the window but judging by the bang it made was quite surprised, going to keep the blinds pulled over see if it helps

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Happens quite often with small birds, goldfinch,bluetit which usually fly off after a bit of recovery time, but yesterday a collared dove did not recover and met its end. We regularly have dust imprints of various bird species imprinted on the windows.

I often watch a sparrow hawk hunting around the house and garden and its prey flys with such speed to escape they could fly into anything just to get away. But sometimes I think they are just a bit unlucky in their choice of direction. :no:


One bedroom window in particular, we leave the curtains partially closed to try and help avoid it happening.

No chance of it breaking double glazed window IMO, unless maybe we get an influx of low flying geese perhaps :o :o

They have been known to fly low over are house, fingers crossed :lol:

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We have a large front window in our house and just before we moved in the previous owner had to have the glass replaced because a Pigeon hit it. It didn't break the glass but the seal keeping the unit dry inside. That split and the window misted up within about a week.


I'd (in fact I did) get some of those hanging blinds so they don't try, yet you can still see out and let the light in. :good:

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I've only seen this sort of thing happen once myself and I have to say that it worried the life out of me! I was working with the Natural Bird Control unit at Rochdale Football Club on a contract doing the pigeon clearance. We would fly a couple of Harris Hawks around after the pigeons during the day and then, on the odd occasion go round with air rifles after dark and shoot any roosting ferals that were in the stands. The area manager was putting up some wire mesh and clearing some old nests out while I was flying my Harris Hawk one day and for some reason the stupid bird flew straight into the Directors office window. I don't know who was more surprised, the director (Who was in his office at the time) or "Buffy" my harris hawk. Fortuinately she was slowing down as if to land, I suspect that she had seen his desk filing cabinet and was heading for that to take a rest as she was perfectly comfortable flying around people and would fly to or around almost anyone. She hit the window, slid down it with her winds outstretched and landed on the ground behind the seats. It was quite funny to see, almost like watching a cartoon film, the way she slid down the window! I had visions of having to pick her up with at least a broken neck or something similar but within a few seconds she just gave a shake of her feathers and was on the wing again with real no harm done. She did have a very puzzled look on her face but the surprised look on the Directors face was even more of a picture though!

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I might try that this weekend, put my decoys out in the field, and then a set of patio doors just behind, hopefully the pigeons will hit the door on there way to join the other birds.


Might save a fortune on cartridges...........

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At a old house with lots of trees surrounding it and a through lounge dinning room, I think a lot of birds thought it was a tunnel as we had about 3 birds a year meet there end with a loud bang.


Leave nice impressions on the window though, you can see feather, head and beak in dust on the window

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as kent mentioned, the stickers seems to work very well. used to be a big problem on my uncles farm. being a builder during the 70's (i think) he built his place with floor to ceiling windows all the way along one wall. you can imagine!! but the stickers work really well. or it might be his two rottweillers sleeping in front of the glass!

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