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Skeet comp


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For those of ya that knew i was shooting a skeet comp last sat.....I now have a nice shiney new trophy sitting on the manttle piece......had to go in for a shot off at the end as two of us came in with the same scores.......thought i would lose as i dont like shooting under those sort of conditions...I beat my fellow competeter by one bird!......20......21..close!

first time i've won for a while now....and it was the first time at skeet for me...usally only shoot sporting.


All the best


Buzzer :lol:

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Good lad! I entered a comp at the basc gamefair, got 25 out of 40 and 28 out of 40 second out of the under 18's :lol: beaten by 2 birds but im happy with that, only shot clays about 3 times before that :lol: (they were very sporting and one of the traps broke which put me off and slow pulls....you know...the usual excuses i use at the pigeons :lol:

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I shoot sporting clays most weekends. In the past I shot skeet but got bored with the same 2 targets even when it was missable av 92-95


Enjoy sporting clays much much harder. My mate and I did 1000 clays on a Sat once. Talk about stiff the next morning... :lol:


There is some good sporting and compact shoots about


Like the one at Braintreet high high high tower firing minis

U need binos just to see them

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Skeet shooting is the best practise you can get for sporting clays - in a major sporting event you absolutely have to hit every bird inside of 40 yds - so keep plugging away and your scores will improve, also , if it helps, pre-mount the gun just like the yanks do when they shoot skeet, you will be more consistent overall when every target counts.


Always remember, clay shooting is not figure skating, i.e. you don't get points for style - the only thing that matters is that you break the bird, and despite what you may see in the video's pedalled by the Sporting greats, when they really want to break that target, they will all pre-mount the gun...!!!


Let us all know when you break your first ton...!!!

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I do not profess to be a good clayshooter but I recently did some marshalling at a clay shoot.


It seemed to me the guns changed their chokes at every stand when they saw where the clays were flying.


This is not much help, I know, but I think you have to be prepared for every type of clay, near and far, when you shoot sporting.

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What chokes are you guys using for sporting clays ?


it all really depends on the layout of the shoot and the distance the clays are from the guns one sporting layout i go to all the birds are really close and no further than 25yrs so i use 1/4 choke maximum another place i go everything is between 40-45 yrds and i use 3/4 and full for most.so it all really depends on were you are shooting and the distance and angle the clay is being thrown.

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