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what do you wear when its snowing?


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hi gents,

just planning in advance, i've been thinking about getting some sort of oversuit ready for when it snows i got an army issue snow parka/overjacket last year but it arrived late due to the snow! :oops: i wasn't impressed when i got it as it was miles too big so its now stuffed in a box in my shooting room (size 190/xl if anyone wants to swap it for anything).


i've seen an oversuit on the bushwear site for £79.99 plus the gloves and hat for about an extra £50-60 which seems a bit steep, i've also tried the other end of the scale and bought some decorators oversuits but they are very small and barely fit over jeans and t-shirt nevermind my full winterwear.


all my shooting is done on foot so i stick out like a sore thumb walking across a field in my camo gear in snow or even after a real frosty morning.


what do you guys use or don't you bother?


atb gary

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find youself a supplier of clothing for the food industry,you will be able to get large fridge coat, trousers and wellingtons all in white,and if you want to pay more get thermal,also white head nets ,balaclava type. i personally don't bother i just use my day to day stuff i use now,with a lighter coloured net at the front .

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find youself a supplier of clothing for the food industry,you will be able to get large fridge coat, trousers and wellingtons all in white,and if you want to pay more get thermal,also white head nets ,balaclava type. i personally don't bother i just use my day to day stuff i use now,with a lighter coloured net at the front .



cheers for that mate, 90% of my shooting is rabbits so i can't really hide behind a net, i did think about getting some army issue snow netting and making a poncho type thing but i think i'll explore your suggestion first :good:



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Buy an old ex army jacket, not thermal, just the DPM jacket for £15-20 and get an old bed sheet. Cut the sheet into strips and sew/glue them all over the jacket, wrap a few around the arms and the body, but obviously not over the zip line. And there you go! Snow ghille jacket. If you do similar things to a boonie hat and some over trousers with spare lengths to cover the face, then you have a full set up. :good:

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