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The Poacher and me decided to try our luck once again on the crows/jackdaws. We intended to set up in a field that had turnips planted in,but as there were too many sheep in there, we decided to go to our old place.

We set up and were ready to go by 06.50. It was misty and still a bit dark, but that soon went, and we were rewarded with a lovely sunny morning.

About 10 minutes after setting up, 2 crows came over the decoys, and were quickly dispatched by Mark and myself. We used them on my rota, and the jackdaws soon came into the pattern. Some were shying away from the rota, something they have'nt done before. We put it down to them being shot at by us in the past, and that made them wary.

We had some good shooting for the first 2 hours, with jackdaws coming in to the decoys in two's and three's.We placed the dead birds on the floaters and also on the ground as decoys. At 10.30am, things went quiet, and there was nothing about. Mark went for a walk down the field where the turnips were, and reported back that there was a mix of about 80 crows/jackdaws. We decided to try our luck, and re-set up just outside the field. We had another 2 crows and a few jackdaws, but there was a lot of waiting in between. After about an hour, we decided to try the first field again, and withing 2-3 minutes of setting back up, jackdaws came flying in, and we shot(and missed) quite a lot.

We finished at 3pm,and our total bag was 24 jackdaws, and 4 crows picked up. 5 jackdaws were lost in the woods again,but we were certain they were dead. All in all, another cracking day was had, and we both enjoyed the warm weather for a change. We've decided to try the same field one more time soon, and then move on to another farm. Our total tally over 4 shoots is 156 birds, which for such a small farm that has never been brilliant for shooting, is good, and the farmer is more than pleased.

The photo shows the end result from today. My thanks, as always, to Mark, for his company and good shooting. See you soon mate for another crack at them!

CROW 12345.jpg

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another enjoyable day mate as allways,we put a few in the bag again :yes: we give it 1 more bash and then move on to our next farm which hopefully will give us good results,i forgot to mention though we must leave the pigeons alone :blink: :lol::no::no: as if.............


Yes, pigeons are lovely birds and should not be shot! :rolleyes::lol:

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