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henry d

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You have just planned a days shooting and are all geard up ready to go, checked the weather, seems fine, get to your chosen destination and the sky opens up!!!! :lol: They got the weather rong. :angry:


Antis, cats ect.


Bigest of all, 'RED TAPE' :lol:;)

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You have just planned a days shooting and are all geard up ready to go, checked the weather, seems fine, get to your chosen destination and the sky opens up!!!! :lol: They got the weather rong. :angry:


Antis, cats ect.


Bigest of all, 'RED TAPE' :lol:;)


Red tape :P:P:P


The roof of the Depertment of Agriculture :P




And the department of justice. :D :yp:

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Sorry HD but i have to put people, :D


The idiot that rings you and thanks you for answering YOUR PHONE :mad:

Double glazing sales man, WHY how many peole live in a house with NO windows :mad:

Drivers who get confused at roundabouts ???

Sales staff that pounce on you a soon as you walk into a shop :mad:

The person that gives you change on top of a note :crazy:

Overweight people who eat cakes, and wonder why they can't lose weight :sick:

Fat cats who get paid obscene amount's For **** ALL :crazy:

The CSA :mad:

People who hog the middle lane on motorways ???



The day i go Stalking and find i left the bolt at home in the cabinet :good:

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likewise i must apologise but there's no way i can exclude certain people from the list ie. ignorant anti's! they infuriate me! :good: other than that, pigeons that flap about feeding on the other side of the field to you, merely doing it to taunt and tease you. people who have nice guns that i can't afford, and also ignorant anti's!!!! :crazy::crazy::sick:

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HD, I know you said no people but all my dislikes were, and are people related. I can put up with weather changes, pigeons, salmon, sea trout, partridges, ducks, geese and deer that won't cooperate. But obnoxious, unthinking, intrusive, insensitive and bigoted people are the bane of my life :good:


Even the inanimate objects that give you trouble are normally man made, you know the ones; That nut inside at the back of whatever you are trying to fix that it is impossible to put a spanner on unless you have a wrist with an extra joint in it, crashing computers because of man made virus's and of course the caravan(ers) etc. etc. !

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:good: READ IT ....... NOT PEOPLE :crazy:


sheesh............Hows about.....War?Famine?Rain on a caravan roof when your 7 years old and it`s the only holiday you`ll get for a couple of years?Ferret poo?



Grumpy moderators :sick:



oops sorry that is another 'person' :crazy:


People who don't read posts properly before replying....

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Automatic Phone Dialling Systems, you know those pesky telephone calls that go quiet because there isnt enough telesales people to route the call to. God I hate them.


CZ's and AA-s410's as I would like to hear about other rifles for a change. :crazy:


The European Union, its a complete and utter shambles and deverstating this country.


No people, hmm, okay then what about: The Labour Party Concepts and Legislations!


And finally, Ebay.



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MILTON KEYNES, and the endless supply of ROUNDABOUTS! More specifically the National Express X5 bus that recognises this, and so with a satanic smile, the driver spends two lifetimes exploring every ****** one. I'm not a violent man but at the end of that journey I could go 10 rounds with Tyson, to say it makes me ANGRY is an understatement of titanic proportions. :good:



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And finally, Ebay.




CZs are the most common rifles used and for the price you gat a lot of gun, thats why people mention them a lot. :sick:


I shop on e.Bay from time to time, find it ver helpfull :crazy: , but i hate Pay Pal. :crazy:


I also love mauser rifles too and Tikkas. :mad::mad:

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And finally, Ebay.




CZs are the most common rifles used and for the price you gat a lot of gun, thats why people mention them a lot. :mad:


I shop on e.Bay from time to time, find it ver helpfull :crazy: , but i hate Pay Pal. :mad:


I also love mauser rifles too and Tikkas. ???:mad:


I did wonder how long it would take for someone to take the bait. ???:crazy::sick::mad:

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And finally, Ebay.




CZs are the most common rifles used and for the price you gat a lot of gun, thats why people mention them a lot. ???


I shop on e.Bay from time to time, find it ver helpfull :crazy: , but i hate Pay Pal. ???


I also love mauser rifles too and Tikkas. :D:D


I did wonder how long it would take for someone to take the bait. :P:crazy::sick::mad:



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Here is my list..............


1) The feeling you get when you NEED chocolate but just know it is going to make you fat. (This also can be applied to beer and food in general!)


2) People who complain about situations but have done nothing to help themselves and want everyone else to do it for them.


3)Being tired. (anything after 21:00 in my case!)

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