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Antenatal class tomorrow!!!


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We did some private classes (NHS was useless round us) and found them good fun and have kept up friendships from the class - our little one is now 8 months old.


Having the friends afterwards is useful for support and comparing notes if none of your social gang are going through the same.


Most of all - Congratulations! :good:

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We went to ours 5 years ago when the Mrs had our first and I remember thinking at the time it would be useful but by the time my lad was born i'd had a kip/drink/watched films etc and forgotten nearly everything. As Richard said above the midwife will take you through everything you need to know


Best of luck to you and your other half

Edited by wayne78
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I went to a couple on my own Mr S was always busy :rolleyes:

Funny he was also busy when it came to the final push. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

it would seem the only time he wasn't busy was when it came to making baby

and then he was just drunk. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Anywhy at the classes they told us to making a birthing plan.

How we would like the birth to go what sort of painrelief we would like.

How invovled we wanted to be.questions like if I wanted to cut the cord.

Or have the baby cleaned before it was put to my breast.

All these sort of things to get you ready for the birth.


So when the time came of I went with my list of what I would like in my hand to the Mat home

and guess what!!!!

The list never made it out of the car park after about the third contraction I had rewritten a new one (in my head)

and it only had two things on it .

1, I was never ever going to let sweepy near me ever again

2, kill sweepy !!!!


Think the thought of kicking Sweepy in the ***** was alot more helpfully then the midwife telling me how to breathe ;)


Though I must say even now 18 years on it was worth all the pain .

All the best to you both x

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A group like shown on the vid might have been OK...just about manageable, but they where about 15 couples (30 ish people) in a room half the vid size :hmm:


Waste of time, the speaker just loved the sound of her own voice and the room was full of idiots like me pretending to be interested, nature and midwifes know the score, stay in and practice nappies!


Had to double check your location, as it sounded like you had just been in the class I was in. :lol:

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NCT was useful. It depends on the focus of the trainer...........


We had the queen of homebirth but...... forewarned is forearmed.....


7 days into fatherhood and its all good!!!


One tip ... if you can take a tour of the hospital maternity unit before, do it...... silly things like knowing where to park and if they feed dads. It will calm the other half down too.....

Edited by happypig
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