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how much lead to give pigeons

andrew mabbett

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Only way is practice, looking at tables is a bit pointless, as the variables of bird direction and shooting method are not taken into account. A 1/4ing away pigeon at 45 yards can be folded by shooting straight at it, whereas a 45 yard crosser will need a decent gap. Maintained lead, swing through, pull away etc will all make the required gap look bigger/smaller respectively.

As long as you are reasonably centred over the rib, (and seeing some Rib will help), get working on the clays and build up some sight pictures.

Obviously take into account the length of the birds toe nails as this is a vital point...

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  • 2 weeks later...

well im totaly confused now,long lead,short lead, choke size, 6/ shot, 7/ shot, left to right, right to left, high wind,no wind, decoyed, flushed,short barrel, long barrel, 25 yards out, 40 yards out,neck length?. I was going decoying tomorrow, but i think i may go to the docs instead to get some head ache pills.


Just remember it's a feeling not a measurement.

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I hope there are no absolute beginners reading this post or they will be in a state of total confusion and unable to seperate jest from fact. Robert Churchill had the best instruction I think it went something like watch the target , swing with it mount the gun and shoot when the stock hits your shoulder. Its the way I do it and still miss plenty, but always a poor hand at maths if I was trying any of these mental calculations I would hit even less. I think we all have successfull snap shots at times ,birds barely glimpsed and no time to consider how far in front to shoot, yet down it comes. Compare with the bird you see approaching from afar, plenty , time for multiple calculations, right and left at it and away it goes unscathed.:rolleyes:



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Each shot is different making this a hard question to answer. Being able to determine how much lead to give a 20 yard bird in comparison to a 40 yard bird comes with practice! Like with any moving target you must give it the required amount of lead and ensure you maintain that lead when you pull the trigger! Stay consistent and don't get frustrated it will soon become instinctive so get back out in the field and start shooting some cases! Hope this helps... :)

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