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DSC level one


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im am set to take my DSC Level one in 3 weeks time and was wondering if anyone on the forum had taken it already and can offer any advice.


i am not doing the 3 day course but going in for one day to take the whole test.

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I have done both the level one and two and was going to do the advanced but when you think about it, putting together a management plan for deer that are nomadic and free living defeats the object. The advanced is probably best suited to park animals that are captive within a given area and not wild deer that move around freely.


You will miss a lot of good learning if you have not done the course before hand, I have all the questions, some 300 but its a lottery which they will ask you.


Best of luck

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i am taking the exam in worcester and the examiner is Ian Bellard.


i have just ordered the deer- Quest CD from the BDS website which has all the questions and answeres on it and video clips and photos.

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Never seen the Cd I am sure it is good. good luck with the exam let us all know how you get on. Remember some of the answers they want are the way they want you to answer and not necessarily the correct one from experience ;):) so be careful not to get caught out by them. Why are you doing it this way and not completing the course .223?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Wish me luck my exams tomorrow i should do ok because i have been averaging about 45 out of 50 on the exam questions and i have done a mock shooting test twice and past both times but my dad said we are foecast some strong winds tomorrow so that may let me down. :ernyha:

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C'Mon .223 spill the beans,


there were 6 of us there 3 of us passed and i was one of the lucky ones who did i got 48 out of 50 on the questions :blink: , 30 out of 30 on the slides ??? , 10 out of 10 on my safety :devil: , but the only problem was on my first attempt on the shooting i failed :ernyha: i put 3 bullets in a 3/4 inch group 5 inches high and 2 left i could not beleve it i must have knoked it a hell of a lot as it has been shooting all right all week. so i borrowed a gun and passed straight through after that. :devil:


the end result a good pass i got the best marks there ;)


Are you taking the deer exam at Ian Ballard home at Abberley,or in Worcester City Centre


we took the test at his farm in abberley.

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