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Ear protection


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Went out shooting yesterday great day on the pheasies but god my head was banging last night.

I have some push in ear plugs but to be honest they make my ear sore after a while and i was thinking about getting some head/ear phones.....any one got any good experience with any particular makes out there please.


I had a cheap pair in the past some times i would knock them while mounting the gun but they never lasted long as they started to come a part around the ear piece..



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as i have a perferated ear drum anything which goes inside of the ear really hurts after a while and it dont help that my left ear picks up sound very quietly while my right ear seems to hear a pin drop.....especially if i get grief from the mrs on the right side :lol:


i was looking at the electronic ear defenders also and wondered if these would be better then the standard ear protectors

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i wear the in ear sonic 2, but yeh they do hurt after a while....ive seen these used around here at clay shoots




:good: just got myself a set

Hopefully will also block out comments of "How did you miss that" :lol:


Thanks Guys

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I'm tempted by some of these Howard Leight ear defenders.


I've been using the push in ribbed (sounds like a rubber lol) ones for a few years but they really hurt after a few hours. I've had them fail a couple of times too, maybe human error but it wasn't an enjoyable experience.


With the Howard Leights is it the Impact Sport model that I should be looking for?



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Perhaps i will save some pennies up then and get some electronic ones ready for next season wildfowling and pheasant shooting,as it is good to be able to hear the birds but the beretta ones will do in the short term especially as i plan on doing some clay shooting this year.

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I have been using Howard Leights for about a year and I am pleased with them.

I recently bought the Napier Pro 10 as I find the Howard Leights are a bit restrictive when stalking.


In comparison they both kill sound very well.


The Napier sit around the edge of the hearing canal and when put on correctly form a nice seal.

They don't give me any ear pain, they are unobtrusive and I can move the head band to any angle so they don't get in the way when shooting.


The Leights can be used with the iPod, which is surprisingly pleasant when sitting in a high seat, and with the sound turned up I can hear everythign around me which has paid dividends on one or two occasions.


These days I only really use the Howard Leights when I am doing any target work and I always have them turned off.


If I had to go with just one it would be the Napier as I find them a lot more shooter friendly.


Just my experience.

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Just bought a set of these http://www.noisebreaker.com/hearing-protection-for-shooters


drop them a line and they will give you the name of someone local to you to take the moulds. I went to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and saw a chap from James Hearing, they do hearing tests and privately fit hearing aids as their normal business and are medically qualified ear, nose and throat consultants :good:


They basically stick what can best be described as a little foam tampon down your lughole then mix up some putty and syringe it into your ear to take the moulds. they then send it to emtec who make them up for you and post out. Emtec have a record of your ear moulds so if you lose 1 or both, no need to get more moulds taken just give them a call.


Had my moulds taken at 8.00 on the wednesday night and they arrived the friday of the week after :good: considering this was 7th to 16th of december with 2 posts to contend with at xmas time was an excellent turnaround.


They work in the same way as the sonics so you can hear conversation but close off when a loud bang is sensed. Wore them for 2 hours today and totally forgot they were there after 10 mins! No itching like the sonic plugs or having to adjust and move my Sport-tacs around all the time.


nearly forgot price, I paid £100 for mine including all fitting and postage costs. Others I know have paid slightly less but I'm guessing it depends on how much your local "fitter" is charging for the moulds



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