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Bleak Christmas for me.,..


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The Mrs told me the other day, that she was still waiting for an online order to arrive. This order contained part of my xmas present... Great we all love shooting bits for xmas :good:


When I enquired who it was from... she told me it was from a well known Pigeon shooting equipment supplier, come BASC trade member based in the North West :yp: The same company who's name on here is starred out when you type it.. ############## <-See!




Looks like I'll be getting sweet FA for Xmas then, judging by their well known mail order reputation - or lack of, Or maybe I can expect it for Xmas 2012?


Of course.. she's been given the usual fob story of "it's in the post" or had no response to her emails / phone calls.


Ho hum - how the hell are they still in business?


Surely it's about time BASC cut ties with them, and helped stop them fleecing any more members of the shooting community.


Merry Christmas anyway! :D

Edited by garyb
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Some shooting organisation then, sticking up for shooters my butt.


I thought David said the BASC had cut them?


They are nothing short of criminals, I am gob smacked they are still going?


You poor chap, I dont envy You chasing this bunch, be prepared for loads of bulll poop when you start calling.


Im glad I joined SACs now, really dissapointed with BASC.

Edited by Devon Fox
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I've heard nothing but negative remarks about the company concerned. I can't believe BASC allowed themselves to be bullied with the threat of legal action. After the negative publicity this company probably haven't got a pot to **** in, never mind finance a court action.

Edited by Cottonseed
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Guess what..... Still no sign of it


Feel for you mate :blush:


Whats more annoying, is the fact they still come on PW and read the posts, so they are probably reading this, laughing and purposely going to stall your delivery . . . . . or just not bother sending it at all :rolleyes:


They have had ample chance to earn back a good reputation, but still, they cant be bothered. :rolleyes:


All we can do is pass on our bad experiences and stop shopping there :yes:



http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=decoying%20uk%20complaints&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDMQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reviewcentre.com%2Freviews5764.html&ei=FI73TuCgIYqdOp-4xKMB&usg=AFQjCNE-EK2tFkG150VueJ-OfZ8Tp8ULFQ :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...





Not only that, but ******* have failed to even return contact with her! Currently the credit card company are investigating...


Thankfully she placed a duplicate order with another vendor, who were able to deliver next day in time for Xmas - at no additional charge.


The fact that companies like this still exist really makes my blood boil... I plan to ask BASC just why they are still listed as a valid trade member.



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  • 4 weeks later...

So! Still no sign of either the goods, or the refund as promised by the head highwayman MD himself


I've just quickly penned this email to BASC.


Please can someone at BASC explain to me why, the company ############## are still listed as a BASC trade member despite repeat complaints from your members as to the bad conduct of this said company?


They are still "fleecing" members of the shooting community of their cash, and I fail to understand why BASC would list and support them in a trade directory.


We are still waiting for an order placed in Nov to arrive, and have repeatedly asked for a refund - which although always promised, never actually materializes.


Please review the comments of the wider shooting community here -




Our next step is to involve the small claims / money reclaim courts..


Looking forward to hearing from you.

Edited by garyb
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