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The most confusing load development ever

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Moving on from my Lil Gun load questions, I tested them all today and found something that I've never stumbled across before. In fact it's confused me somewhat!


A few of you may know that I sold my .22 Hornet to a chap on here and then bought it back again. Well when it left me it shot 1/2" groups at 100 yards with 35gr V-Max, 13gr of Lil-Gun and CCI small rifle primers. When I got it back I'd learned more about the Hornet and had decided that I wanted a heavier bullet. So I've been through several brands and weights and just could not get the ******* thing to group!


Today I went out with a range of loads with the mindset that I was going to make it work. I got new brass, a new tub of powder and figured I'd start again right from the beginning. I shot them all and learned something new to me - the gun has changed since I had it last!


None of the lil gun loads would group. I even made up a load with some 35gr V-Max exactly the same as I used to make them before I sold it. Result - total rubbish! The only one I could get to group was a load with H110 which I've never used in this rifle before. The groups are so bad I've taken a picture to show you.....




So how the hell does this sort of thing happen? The exact load it used to shoot into 1/2" is pants - in fact it's worse than pants! The H110 load with no development, a complete shot in the dark, is acceptable?! ???


Edit... I know I need to shoot a few more groups to be happy but working on the basics it's pretty obvious which one has potential!

Edited by njc110381
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I was starting to doubt the whole setup and scope, mounts, woodwork were all running through my mind (along with a rebarrel - I recon it's seen 10K rounds). This is the second tub of Lil - Gun so I don't think it's that. It didn't shoot well with the batch that it used to shoot with either. I tested the float and it's fine, all clear right to the action same as it's always been. It's clean because I just gave it a damn good scrub through and then fouled it up with a few rounds before shooting the groups, again, same routine as ever.


The scope is a decent Leupold so I've got a lot of faith in it. The mounts, well I don't remember the make but they were good ones not cheap junk. Unless something has broken in the scope I can't see that being the issue. I must admit though that was something I was seriously considering until the H110 threw in this group in the top right of the picture! I need to run a few more through it to be sure but I really get the feeling that it just doesn't like Lil-Gun now? Note that one group was at 50 yards (I'd given up at 100) then when that shot well I moved out for the last two rounds I had and they grouped near perfect too.


Would barrel wear change the preference of a barrel? It's a new one on me but for now that's all I can come up with!

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The rifle is moderated, but again even before I replaced the mod it wasn't shooting properly. It was shooting fine with the same mod fitted before.


Crown looks fine.


Bolt handle is clear. Didn't know that could be an issue but just checked and it is.


Stock is fine. I stripped the gun and checked it thoroughly when I cleaned it because I was looking for faults.


Clearance isn't 1/8, nowhere near. But you can pull a thick piece of paper or thin card down the gap. Again, it's the same as it always has been.


My eyesight is fine I think? You saying I can't shoot straight fella? :sly::lol:

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What I really can't explain is that if the gun was at fault in some way, stock on the barrel or whatever, then why did the H110 load shoot as well as it did? The holes are touching - the grid squares are 10mm!



As these where the last 4 shots i can only think that there is some movement between the woodwork and iron work, and the previous shots have settled it down and or heated the action up.


Stock is fine. I stripped the gun and checked it thoroughly when I cleaned it because I was looking for faults.


did it go back together right??

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As these where the last 4 shots i can only think that there is some movement between the woodwork and iron work, and the previous shots have settled it down and or heated the action up.


Stock is fine. I stripped the gun and checked it thoroughly when I cleaned it because I was looking for faults.


did it go back together right??


Was thinking the same :yes: Next time out and if still playing up with your pet load get some card and jam it in the fore end to pack the barrel and note any change in grouping.


This is just my opinion but a paper only gap between barrel and stock is not enough. Had many a rifle like that only to see a fine rubbing line in the blue where the barrel has been vibrating on the stock and nearly every one improved once clearance was increased! Alternatively a well packed fore end tip will do the same thing forcing all vibration to the end of the barrlel where upon it is stiffer by being shorter! My old BSA's would creek when tightening the stock screws!


Should of gone to spec savers :lol::lol: I never said nowt' about your eyes :no:



Edited by Underdog
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I think it went back together ok? I've had a lot of guns in bits before and not had issues after. If it had changed after I'd stripped it down then I would be thinking the same, but it was broke before I did anything to try to fix it.


I'll let it go cold and try another group with the H110. If it goes off then I'll know that it could be play until it heats up. If it shoots well I'll just go with that load I think!


As far as neck tesion is concerned I always crimp the rounds. The Hornet is well known for neck tension issues, although I'm using new brass now so it should be fairly consistant?

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The rifle is moderated, but again even before I replaced the mod it wasn't shooting properly. It was shooting fine with the same mod fitted before.


Crown looks fine.


Bolt handle is clear. Didn't know that could be an issue but just checked and it is.


Stock is fine. I stripped the gun and checked it thoroughly when I cleaned it because I was looking for faults.


Clearance isn't 1/8, nowhere near. But you can pull a thick piece of paper or thin card down the gap. Again, it's the same as it always has been.


My eyesight is fine I think? You saying I can't shoot straight fella? :sly::lol:



I am saying nothing :lol: :yp: :lol:


The barrle float was fine, tested while out checking loads. :good:

old moderator shot the same as the new PEZ, :sly:

barrle scrubbed with in an inch of its life, copper solvent used as well. :good:

with exception to the N110 group, all the other groups don't creep in, one shot was on one side and then the next was on other side of bull :/




Question. Do powder companies change the make up of powders as times move on. could there be a difference between the old tub of powder compared with the new tubs.

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Question. Do powder companies change the make up of powders as times move on. could there be a difference between the old tub of powder compared with the new tubs.


The make up of a powder can change between batches.

I read a section on it in the last reloading manual I bought and it was quite detailed.

It recommended buying two or three tubs of the same batch number at once and even blending your tubs of powder to get a more consistent product.

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Reloading is a frustrating old thing eh. As for changes in powder, Viht 160 can vary 10% + - according to the manufacturers. I recently bedded my Remmy 700 in 243, wanted to experiment with the cheap sps stock as wanted a light gun, the hogue fully alley stock I put on it was heavier and thicker in the forend. Both stocks allow for fully floated barrel, the hogue shoots nice groups with 41.5grs but the bedded sps stock shot the loads at over 2.5inch group, reduced load by half a grain and bang on. Think you should forget what it did in the past as you do not know what has happened to the gun in someone elses hands and start from fresh.

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As said above though, the old powder didn't work either and it's been around since the gun was shooting well? Can't see it being a batch issue.


I missed the question about the cleaning when I made my last post - yes it was cleaned well. I spent the day on it, soaked brush and scrubbed then sat it for 30 minutes while I did other things and then went back to it. It had that half a dozen times until the patch was coming out solvent coloured, then it was cleaned through with gun cleaner and then dried.


I think it must have just changed preference for it's loads whilst it was away from me. I went straight into developing a heavier load as soon as it came back and I just couldn't get it to work. I have no doubt that the chap who had it looked after it, I think it's just worn a bit since it left me?


As every barrel is different and doesn't like the same ammo, is it possible that wear could make it's liking change over time? That's really all I can see that could be wrong. Generally I'm pretty good at finding the problem when guns go off so perhaps this isn't even a problem at all? :look:

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I've got a busy week at work - probably won't get to try anything until the weekend now.


When I clean it the barrel feels tighter at the muzzle end like it's choked. This seems more obvious now than it did so perhaps the breech end is wearing slightly? Could just be me of course!


It does have one very small pit in the barrel but that's always been there. As far as I can tell it's not changed and when I had the barrel shortened just after I first bought the gun I was told it was nothing to worry about. The work was done by Brock and Norris so it's a first class job.


I know it's said that Hornet barrels don't wear but is that right? It's seen a serious number of rounds in it's life - it's got to wear eventually?! I shot a bullet into a tub of water the other day and fished it out - the rifling marks in the jacket didn't look that deep or sharp as I'd expect so wear does seem the obvious answer. It's never shown any sign of corrosion apart from that one little pit though.

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quote name='njc110381' timestamp='1326828669' post='1654832']

I've got a busy week at work - probably won't get to try anything until the weekend now.


When I clean it the barrel feels tighter at the muzzle end like it's choked. This seems more obvious now than it did so perhaps the breech end is wearing slightly? Could just be me of course!


It does have one very small pit in the barrel but that's always been there. As far as I can tell it's not changed and when I had the barrel shortened just after I first bought the gun I was told it was nothing to worry about. The work was done by Brock and Norris so it's a first class job.


I know it's said that Hornet barrels don't wear but is that right? It's seen a serious number of rounds in it's life - it's got to wear eventually?! I shot a bullet into a tub of water the other day and fished it out - the rifling marks in the jacket didn't look that deep or sharp as I'd expect so wear does seem the obvious answer. It's never shown any sign of corrosion apart from that one little pit though.


When I got a Bruno years ago it's basic handbook talked of a number of shots the steel barrel was good for. I can not remember how many it said, I think it was 4000 but may of been 7000!


I too would not worry about the pit unless at the very start or on the crown.


The tapering feel on a jag is of concern! Even a choked barrel should be very hard to detect!

That don't mean it is finnished! It may just mean a new load is needed.


Please keep us informed and please try packing the barrel if you can just to see if there is an issue there. It would be good if that barrel got a boost of new life from better free float or extra support, I mean what if that barrel has been giving good service when infact it could of done even better!!


The Bruno (am I spelling that correct?) I had years ago the stock forearm warped and bent to the left on me just touching the barrel! I had to make a jig to hold and wedge it across upside down so I could steam it for hours over the stove. It worked and groups improved.


Best wishes, I have a huge soft spot for Hornet, it is capable of much more than it's size would suggest!



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