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Theoben Vs Daystate


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My FAC section 1 is through and my debate is this!!!


Theoben Rapid mk2 vs Daystate airwolf or air ranger


Any advice reviews etc have trawled the web for vids etc etc.


Cheers Burchy


Ooooh that's what I'm torn between to!...and the daystate mk4 ! I would love to see some replies to. Rapid mk 2 can get 90 shots at 30ftlb air ranger gets 50 odd at 40lftlb my mate has the ranger it's Lovely but massive,with a massive buddy bottle for all that air. The mk4 gets 50 shots at 30ftlb but keeps the small bottle and is lighter and has the electronic regulator....Theoben has the reputation!

Edited by tomhw100
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Ooooh that's what I'm torn between to!...and the daystate mk4 ! I would love to see some replies to. Rapid mk 2 can get 90 shots at 30ftlb air ranger gets 50 odd at 40lftlb my mate has the ranger it's Lovely but massive,with a massive buddy bottle for all that air. The mk4 gets 50 shots at 30ftlb but keeps the small bottle and is lighter and has the electronic regulator....Theoben has the reputation!

Hi Tom agree with you again mate.Got the Ranger 40lb is little heavy but off the pod or sticks on rabbits f-ing awesome :good: And shooting squirrels leaning on tree or something 60y+ no prob.But heavy free hand.Free hand one of the lighter good rifle Daystate s410 theoben :good:

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Hi Tom agree with you again mate.Got the Ranger 40lb is little heavy but off the pod or sticks on rabbits f-ing awesome :good: And shooting squirrels leaning on tree or something 60y+ no prob.But heavy free hand.Free hand one of the lighter good rifle Daystate s410 theoben :good:


Yea mate they are an awesome gun...I shot a pigeon with it at 80yds the other day only had to aim roughly one dot on my mates mill dot scope and it killed it stone dead and still had an exit wound! ( before anyone starts it had a safe backdrop). :good:

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i would say air ranger @ 40ftlbs with the ranger you get a srouded barrel what you can add a extra moderator too which will make it evern more quieter, a ambi stock for left and right handers, and good customer service :good: good luck with what you buy and happy shooting




Yea mate they are an awesome gun...I shot a pigeon with it at 80yds the other day only had to aim roughly one dot on my mates mill dot scope and it killed it stone dead and still had an exit wound! ( before anyone starts it had a safe backdrop). :good:




a 80 yard shot with a 40ft lbs ranger is no worries at all

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S/h 30ft lb rapid cost me £350 with custom weaver rail, two 400cc bottles and two magazines power is variable from 15-38ft lb's is mega accurate and easy to work on and service for very little cost. There's no way i would pay a grand for a pellet gun and especially not a Daystate which if goes wrong will have to go back to Daystate for an expensive repair. Just my own opinion... :D

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I had an FAC rapid and it was just one trouble after another !

If i come back to a FAC air rifle it will be daystate and have quality and there only 20 mile down the road so any problems and its half hour drive up the road to drop off if there were any problems, so no posting through rfd and having folk work on it who clain to be experts etc ! Do it once and do it propperly ! :good:

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I would argue that its a good job you can work on them easily and would say its because you need to be able to !


People always say buy the best you can afford and i would have to agree ! I know of a few rapid disasters but haven't herd to much about daystates having to many problems and there well established and unlikely to go bump either !

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Got to be Daystate and you can get it set to 80ft lb and with the electronics you can adjust it to other settings if you want less power at the click of the electronic triger so you have 80 when needed and set to 40 for other jobs , now that has to be good , i dont think you can do that with any of the others in the field

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the mct will only ajust from 40ft pound down ,the 80ft pound is the air ranger ,and that is set at 80 and does not ajust ,i had the 80ft in 22 and that was not very accurate ,tried every pellet there was , cleaned and polished the barrel which did improve accuracy ,but not a patch on the two 40 plus ft pound rapids i have ,if you get a problem with the daystate it has to go back to the factory at about £150 a pop ,with the rapids you can strip and rebuild it in minutes ,rapid all the way , atb jazz

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Yes pb your right it is only the ranger that is 80lb and that is not electronic though daystate say .22 should be max of 60 ft and .25 80 ft/lb but that is going to make some bang when it goes off . lol

Must be heavy though i tried to sholder a panther other week and that was to heavy for me nice gun though .

Edited by richard1951
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I would say get the Rapid in 12ft/lb then take it to Ben Taylor at Milbro for the FAC conversion. If he does half the job on yours he did on mine the result will be awesome. I'm running a teeny weeny 280cc bottle and I'm getting just over 40-50 shots out of it with Ben's regulator; more than enough for a night on the rabbits. I haven't heard a bad word about Ben's work (he also sorted the **** factory trigger; no really, it was **** and the sealing of the pellet probe to prevent and loss of air and subsequent loss of power).


Good stuff!

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But Mick what was the cost of the rapid in the first place plus all the work youve had done since ?

i bet its approaching the sam cost a second hand FAC Daystate that just works straight out the box and does it better ! also the rapid stocks aren that nice except the MFR.


Just look for a good example of a second hand Daystate ! :good:

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