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Trouble roost shooting in Crewe


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We have been shooting pigeons on a large farm in Crewe for years now. In summer while decoying we had the police called every Saturday by someone, we even phoned the police telling them we will be pigeon shooting. Anyway the police still either turned up or contacted the farmer. In the end the farmer asked us to stop shooting at 5.30pm.

While roost shooting last Saturday, we started at 3.00pm and finished at 5.30pm, I found this article in the local paper. What do you think? What would you do?



Edited by reggiegun
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You could think about writing a well considered feature letter to the local paper about the need for pest control in farming and veg production. You could even provide some way for worried locals to contact you so that you can come to some agreement about your shooting. Even vegans should appreciate that their organic veg is made economically viable to produce because somebody is controlling the associated pests without poisons (shooting).


A bit of good publicity could work wonders and even secure you more shooting permissions.


Alternatively, get a moderated shotgun - they are brilliant for noise sensitive areas or roost shooting in summer.

Edited by sterling
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No offence but this is a common problem in the area where non-local people come and shoot. I'm about 15 miles from Crewe, but I know that hoards of folk from Manchester, Liverpool, Preston (and further) come and pester my farmers for permissions - it's amazing how far some people will travel to shoot! All the lads I know that shoot locally generally know most of the folk in the area, so if they have a problem they get a call and they discuss the problem face to face. It's just how things are done in the rural areas around here.


If you introduce yourself locally, and are reasonable with people/residents, explain the problem/job and what you intend to do, you can come to some sort of arrangement. There may be better times of week/day, equipment used (moderators etc) that could be more suitable. Unfortunately when folks come in from afar they seem to lack this empathy of local residents and the residents are often at a loss of who to contact, hence they report the problem to the police/local authority/press as they don't know what else to do.


Some local knowledge, pr, empathy and give and take is required...even more so if your not a local. But I can imagine that this is difficult when balancing your normal job/family/shooting etc. Unfortunately these problems with "outsiders" occur and in the end the farmers often cancel the permission as they can't be bothered with the hassle. Farmers have even commented that they specifically won't give permission to "outsiders" in favour of seeking local help given the added problems that can often occur.


Like I say, no offence, but it's been seen many times around here...

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We shoot down the road from you in barthomley . There are antis in every walk of life . Stay above the law . Don't get into confrontations . Keep your farmer happy


You are doing nothing wrong


People move to the countryside and try to excert their city attitudes


I know of a race track I used to use a lot that some numpty complained about when he bought a barn conversion nearby .

Then there is the pilchard that got the fireworks stopped at Alton Towers because he didn't like them . The world has to co exist don't be put off or bullied.

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People move to the countryside and try to excert their city attitudes


This is true, but you also get city folk coming out the the country every weekend and think that shooting 24/7 is the norm! A lot of historically rural folk don't shoot. Like I say, empathy, consideration of others, and give and take on both sides is what is required.

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She says at the end, please let me know if you have any issues with this problem. I'd write in and say yes i have many issues. She probably writes in at fieworks night saying people shouldnt let off fireworks because her dog doesnt like them, and that she boycotts the local butchers, because all the meat is dead animals. She sounds likea serial complainer. We get them come in our cafe all the time. Do you have wheat free, gluten free, meat free, nut free, dairy free, food free food?

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No offence but this is a common problem in the area where non-local people come and shoot. I'm about 15 miles from Crewe, but I know that hoards of folk from Manchester, Liverpool, Preston (and further) come and pester my farmers for permissions - it's amazing how far some people will travel to shoot! All the lads I know that shoot locally generally know most of the folk in the area, so if they have a problem they get a call and they discuss the problem face to face. It's just how things are done in the rural areas around here.


If you introduce yourself locally, and are reasonable with people/residents, explain the problem/job and what you intend to do, you can come to some sort of arrangement. There may be better times of week/day, equipment used (moderators etc) that could be more suitable. Unfortunately when folks come in from afar they seem to lack this empathy of local residents and the residents are often at a loss of who to contact, hence they report the problem to the police/local authority/press as they don't know what else to do.


Some local knowledge, pr, empathy and give and take is required...even more so if your not a local. But I can imagine that this is difficult when balancing your normal job/family/shooting etc. Unfortunately these problems with "outsiders" occur and in the end the farmers often cancel the permission as they can't be bothered with the hassle. Farmers have even commented that they specifically won't give permission to "outsiders" in favour of seeking local help given the added problems that can often occur.


Like I say, no offence, but it's been seen many times around here...


To answer your question, I may be from Manchester, but my mate who I shoot with, works on the farm and has lived in the Village for all of his 67 years, is long enough for you.

Cant see what this problem has to do with where you live or how far you travel.



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To answer your question, I may be from Manchester, but my mate who I shoot with, works on the farm and has lived in the Village for all of his 67 years, is long enough for you.

Cant see what this problem has to do with where you live or how far you travel.




Sounds odd. Has the farmer had any complaints directly or does either your mate or the farmer know the person in question?

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Can you let me know which local newspaper this letter appeared in? Our press monitoring hasn't picked it up and we've been unable to find it on the oline editions of the local press in Crewe. If you can get this information to us swiftly the BASC press office will send in a reply (but don't let that stop you sending in your own).





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