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Re waterproofing


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Thats what i have always used.I was recomended it by the outdoors shop.They could be better stuff on the market though.

I found that washing waterproof gear tends to make them not as good as when new,hence i have only washed my gortex once in 10 years.works ok on sealannd stuff and rab vapourise jacket.Tried it on my riverswest jacket and its not worked that well.

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I use some Karrimor stuff called wash and proof you just bung it in the washing machine with what you want to waterproof , it also maintains breathability so would be fine on gortex , doubt a wax product will be breathable.

Got mine from sports direct of all places .

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I use some Karrimor stuff called wash and proof you just bung it in the washing machine with what you want to waterproof , it also maintains breathability so would be fine on gortex , doubt a wax product will be breathable.

Got mine from sports direct of all places .


Its just a name for the brand not a wax.Its looks like and smells a bit like upva glue but thiner.This is also put in the washing machine.

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I have tried loads of products, most dont bring back the original waterproofing for very long! The best I used was a Millets "own brand"

Spray it on to damp clothing and then iron.

I did it to a cotton DPM jacket, it was water proofed for about 10 outings.

They all last about this long.

Hope this helps


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I do work in outdoors shop

non of the products is acctualy going to make jacket fully waterproof again after its start to let water in.

If You wash waterproof jacket in detergent(washing powder) you have big chances that membrane is damaged.(that is part stoping water)

that's why all outdoors gear nead to be wash in non-detergent like soap flakes or nikwax tech-wash.


washing powders damage membrane, delaminate fabrick and seam glue.also there are residues left behind like softeners and perfumes wich atract particles of dirt and water.

if you wash in detergent . wash it again in nikwax tech wash and then use re-proof.

dont use stuff in spray (one bottle is for one garment only) use wash in re-proof its concentrate and during proofing in washing machine all fibres are coated.


if You have any more questions do ask please.

P.S. i hope it does make sens .

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Again highly recommend Nikwax Tech Wash & TX Direct Wash in. Being using this stuff for years mainly on Paramo Waterproofs. Not let me down yet.


As you use it in your washing machine, you need to make sure you clean your dispenser draw out first of any old washing powder residue etc. As this could effect the waterproofness of the item.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Again highly recommend Nikwax Tech Wash & TX Direct Wash in. Being using this stuff for years mainly on Paramo Waterproofs. Not let me down yet.


As you use it in your washing machine, you need to make sure you clean your dispenser draw out first of any old washing powder residue etc. As this could effect the waterproofness of the item.


I use the washing machine for the Tech Wash but apply the Wash-in by hand using a bucket with a strong Wash-in mix then apply it with a sponge, rinse off with the hose, leave to dry, best on a warm sunny day.it works well


the water on the patio pilled for ages after last time,

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