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silk emulsion over limewash


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Bit of an odd question but perhaps someone can help.


In my back bedroom the ceiling has been painted with limewash. Stupidly I tried painting over it with silk emulion, well it has not adhered at all.


Is there something I can put down as a base coat before applying emulsion to makesure the paint adheres properly?

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I am guessing that the lime wash on the ceiling is distemper? could well be on lime plaster but maybe not.

Either way get a bucket of hot water and add a couple of drops of washing up liquid,use an old paint brush (short bristles) and scrub the ceiling(bit like Karate kid wax on wax off)It doesnt need a lot of effort as the distemper will soften quickly.Allow to fully dry and more often then not you can now emulsion on top,however to make sure apply a coat of stabalizing sollution(from a trade merchant).Not easy to apply to a ceiling,rather smelly and not cheap.

So we always wash and then apply a coat of contract(new plaster)emulsion,leave to dry and see

results,if no good apply stabilizer.

As said by previos poster Zinsser bin is very good,its a shellac based paint that can be painted straight on to the ceiling.Not cheap about £50 for 2.5 ltr and your brush and roller will go into the skip when your done,again not easy on a ceiling and its hard to get any spray off you.

Hope this helps


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What you need is stabilising solution , we used to use it years ago to seal whitewash before artexing ceilings ,but be warned it is stickier than a sticky thing on a exceptionally stick day ! if your using it on a ceiling chances are the hair on your arms is going to be stuck solid :lol: but I guess you could get the Mrs to do it :good: seriousley thats what you need not PVA just cover carpets well first.

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Bin primer goes off very quickly,so if you need a smooth finish you could use it in aerosol form.You will need to use a top quality mask if doing it this way(and even if rolling it on a mask is advisable)but it does give a better finish.Build it up slowly,in multiple layers.

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