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Eley Subsonic .22 hollowpoints

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Just used up the last of my subsonic hollow extra plus and moved onto new subsonic hollows. They seem quieter with a lower poi so must be a bit slower flying, but bullet head seems more consistent. After this small brick I'm trying rws subs then making decision on round to stick to moving forward!

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  • 10 months later...

I buy SK (lapua) and they are a shed load more but worth it. don't remove the lube it has a purpose but two different lubes don't always mix well in the barrel just like two different leads.


Many years ago when I wore a blue suit we had trouble with the arrestor hooks on the aircraft fleet which required sorting. As an aside while chatting to the MoD lubricants specialists, I was give the spec' of a good dry lubricant for used on an 'O' ring sealed spring air rifle. The team sooty then decided to try it on his new AYA Yeoman. Unfortunately he failed to completely remove the existing lubricant first. On closing the gun after applying the new treatment it started to smoke and would not open. Fortunately, this time, he was a black belt martial arts guy and he hit it - hard - which did the trick. He said later that he figured that he only had one shot at it and had it not opened then it would have never opened again. Consequently, wise words above.


However, think I'm in trouble again. Starting to suffer from dropsy now - used to tell Mum to be careful and look what she was doing - little did I know and it's too late now to say sorry! Consequently, I wipe the excess oil off the Sks every time I open a new box as otherwise they'll just slip out of my fingers. Now it looks as though that's wrong. Damn.

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Anyone else cleaning the wax off these before use?

Seems quite a lot of muck on the rag afterwards and Im not keen an all that going up the barrel.....

Surely the lead projectile 'lubes' the barrel itself......with lead.


:hmm:yep,i always clean eley subs before using them.they seem to have a lot more wax on them than other subs ive used

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I used to use Ely subs , their a bit pricey for me now loved the smell of them once they had been fired (love the smell of napalm in the morning) :.) moved over to cci 33 quid per 500 gets my vote every time , not as good as the ely subs , get the odd flyer but at that price if you miss the bunny you can chuck another one at it:.)

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