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WW2 shwastika


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After going through a box of stuff my grandad gave me, i have an interesting find. Dont know anything about it, all i know is that its a solid lead shwastika

Possible WW2 relic - obvious ive got to state a price, £20 posted considering weightpost-15179-0-18019100-1334521421.png

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Anything like that is very collectible and might be worth a few quid :yes: .


Problem is selling it - illegal in some countries and a no no on eBay :lol:


Dunno what it is - something to imprint a wax seal?

I have no clue what it is - interesting though (why would it made from lead?)

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wood not touch it with a barge pole awful stuff nazi memorabilia is just so bad taste but each to there own my grandad died over there and i wood just not like stuff in my house just gives me creeps.


good luck with sale not having a go or out just creepy stuff

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wood not touch it with a barge pole awful stuff nazi memorabilia is just so bad taste but each to there own my grandad died over there and i wood just not like stuff in my house just gives me creeps.


good luck with sale not having a go or out just creepy stuff



Most of our grandads bought the stuff back, I know my granfer did, I am the same wouldn't want it personally

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The swastica symbol but as its shown on the photo - almost square was an old chinese symbol and now all chinese stuff is fetching quite a bit. Swasticas as used by the unlamented Nazis was oriented so the a point of the swastica was uppermost. If it has any indictaion of 'which was is up', this might give a clue but it is roughly cast and is probably therefore chinese.

In either case, nazi emblem or chinese its worth more than £20 and if chinese, you could be talking in the hundreds. Take it to an expert- local Bonhams on one of theri free valuation days - dont go to a smaller company - their experts are 'less expert'.

I'd love to know what it is and how old.


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After going through a box of stuff my grandad gave me, i have an interesting find. Dont know anything about it, all i know is that its a solid lead shwastika

Possible WW2 relic - obvious ive got to state a price, £20 posted considering weightpost-15179-0-18019100-1334521421.png


Was your Grandpapa over in Europe during the war?


Is it flat on the back?

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I think we can assume that his grandad didn't come back from Germany in WW2 with good luck tokens from the far east :lol:


My dad came back with a Webley .38, a colt .45, a Garrand which he threw overboard, a malayan kris and a finnish flensing knife - he's never been to finland and certainly not in the war.

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The shwastika is a very old symbol and has been linked to christians, buddhists, mayans, etc. Its a worldwide symbol that some view as religous others take to be a sun symbol. Pottery has been found with it on dating back to 2300-2600 B.C, it has also been found on bronze age items. The metal could be tested to give a true date. Interesting item and maybe lucky for the new owner. It would be great to hear of the outcome if the item gets checked out!

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