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FAC Calibre Question


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i had this a few months ago had a spare 22rf slot tought id buy a wmr with it gun shop said to me there were more than willing to sell gun to me but i best check with cops .



after a quick phone call they said no it was a 22lr slot only not the wmr slot its all politics with them anyway iv now got another 26 quids worth

of slots to play with ;) and it all so says wmr now on ticket not rf

Edited by swiss.tony
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I no longer have my WMR but when I first applied for a .22rf,I simply stated .22RF, always having the intention of buying the WMR because of its extra punch;there was no .17HMR back then.Had it for years and it wasn't until I applied for another .22Rf that licensing were aware that I had the WMR,it was on my ticket as Ruger M77/22RF.That was over 15 years ago now so things may have changed,but at the time no one in licensing queried the difference.

All my .22 ammo allocation was simply on my ticket as .22Rf also;there was no allowance for LR and WMR.

Do applicants applying for either of the two .17RF designations state that difference,or does it simply go on ticket as HMR?Someone with one or the other will know.

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So my cert lists .22 Rifle, does this mean I can purchase a .22 WMR ? My .17 rifle specificaly list .17HMR but the .22 does not....


Yes, it's a .22 rifle.


I have three .22 rifles; a bolt action .22LR, a semi-auto .22lr and a .22 Hornet. All were acquired on slots (and are described on my FAC) as being .22 rifles. If the Slot says, '.22LR' then you can only get a .22lr but if it says '.22 Rifle' then you can get a '.22 rifle'.



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Yes, it's a .22 rifle.


I have three .22 rifles; a bolt action .22LR, a semi-auto .22lr and a .22 Hornet. All were acquired on slots (and are described on my FAC) as being .22 rifles. If the Slot says, '.22LR' then you can only get a .22lr but if it says '.22 Rifle' then you can get a '.22 rifle'.



That's how I see it. :good:

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Stupid question alert... whats WMR? :huh:


From confused of wales!


Winchester Magnum Rimfire. It's a .22 40g bullet, travelling at 2000 fps with 360 ftlb's of energy. Just a more powerful .22 rimfire, with a longer and thicker case.

Edited by bedwards1966
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WMR Means Whinchester magnum Round.


On the ticket it shoud say what each caliber is for for instance mine says "17hmr rifle serial number ------ and .22RF rifles serial number------- and -------- and .22 air rifle and ammunition to be used for shooting vermin & ground game and for zeroing on land demmed ect ect ect.


Firstly what did you apply for ie if you applied for a 17hmr and a 22 centre fire then that should be what you have got give for FEO a ring and ask him.

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There are two problems. The first is that too many officials in firearms depts across the country know next to nothing about firearms and the second is that grammer has not been taught in schools for forty years. The wording of conditions of use is often made unclear and ambiguous by poor use of language.

I'd be wary of being a smart**** over a technicality, and buying something that you know and they know was not the calibre intended to be granted. If you get your card marked as a troublemaker you'll face obstruction and difficulties for the rest of your shooting career.

Check before you act.

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There are two problems. The first is that too many officials in firearms depts across the country know next to nothing about firearms and the second is that grammer has not been taught in schools for forty years. The wording of conditions of use is often made unclear and ambiguous by poor use of language.

I'd be wary of being a smart**** over a technicality, and buying something that you know and they know was not the calibre intended to be granted. If you get your card marked as a troublemaker you'll face obstruction and difficulties for the rest of your shooting career.

Check before you act.


Very sensible advice.

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Just got my FAC back from Durham, already had a .308/ammo/moderator on it and while it was in getting my exploding 9mm took off and replaced with an empty slot I asked them to add another .308.


Original is down as .308 Bolt Action Rifle/.308 Moderator/500/400 Ammo


New one is down as 7.62x51 .308 Win Bolt Action Rifle/ 7.62x51 .308 Win Moderator and 400/300 Ammo (I did say I didn't need any more ammo allowance when I put it in).

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I put on my application 22rf and 223 and I got my cert with 22rf and 223 with 22rf on ammo bit at the bottom where the conditions are it sais ( the 22LR will be used for shooting rabbit,hare and any other lawful ground dwelling pest/quarry. It's very misleading really.


So, another case of the police screwing things up. If your acquisition slots says '.22rf' then you can lawfully acquire any .22rf rifle. If you then went out and shot something which wasn't a ribbit hare, etc with a .22WMR you had acquired on the slot then you could not be prosecuted for breaching your FAC conditions as you haven't breached them as the condition actually relates to something that you may not possess.



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There are two problems. The first is that too many officials in firearms depts across the country know next to nothing about firearms and the second is that grammer has not been taught in schools for forty years. The wording of conditions of use is often made unclear and ambiguous by poor use of language.

I'd be wary of being a smart**** over a technicality, and buying something that you know and they know was not the calibre intended to be granted. If you get your card marked as a troublemaker you'll face obstruction and difficulties for the rest of your shooting career.

Check before you act.

Hi All

Why is it a technicality when i applied for three rimfires i fully intended to buy one wmr which i did and there were no problems with the police

or the gunshop a 22 rimfire is a 22 rimfire , regardless of case size.Going by your argument you should not be allowed to use 22 shorts if your fac says 22lr


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There are two problems. The first is that too many officials in firearms depts across the country know next to nothing about firearms and the second is that grammer has not been taught in schools for forty years. The wording of conditions of use is often made unclear and ambiguous by poor use of language.

I'd be wary of being a smart**** over a technicality, and buying something that you know and they know was not the calibre intended to be granted. If you get your card marked as a troublemaker you'll face obstruction and difficulties for the rest of your shooting career.

Check before you act.


I actually think that the reverse is true in a lot of cases. If you are polite and helpful but make a point of letting them know that you know what the law actually says (and get it right, of course) you are less likely to be the one who gets ******** about. They'll ****** someone else around who they know will cave in and accept anything they say.



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Hi All

Why is it a technicality when i applied for three rimfires i fully intended to buy one wmr which i did and there were no problems with the police

or the gunshop a 22 rimfire is a 22 rimfire , regardless of case size.Going by your argument you should not be allowed to use 22 shorts if your fac says 22lr



Fair point, but I was thinking more of the OPs position where a .22 rimfire application comes back simply as .22. The FEO will know -or should know- which calibre you were applying for. If he believes he has approved an application to aquire a .22 rimfire, of whatever chambering, to shoot rabbits and has discussed it during a home visit, and the applicant subsequently rushes out and buys a .220 Swift because someone at the Firearms Dept has made an ommissiom on the ticket, that FEO might justly feel that the ticket holder has stuck two fingers up at him.

That was merely my point. If you know its an error, don't try to exploit it because it will come back to haunt you. And if you're not sure, ask. A black mark against you never goes away.

Also some firearms depts simply aren't aware of the many of the issues of detail of the sort we discuss on here. Most FEOs are very receptive to making life easier on both sides. But they need ticket holders to talk to them.


My .22 is listed only as .22rf. I could have a WMR but I don't want one. I could really do with a second .22lr though, one for day and one for night. FEOs often don't get that.

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