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rapid basher

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sending off my fac applacation over the weekend.

and was wondering what would be the best 22lr

to go for bugit is around the 600mark i want somethink

reliable for years to come (equilent to my fatefull rappid 7)

i liked the look of the staneless thumhole savage but i no

nothing in this departpent so need some pointers :good:

brno cz etc?? :blink:

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A BRNO/CZ would be a very good rifle - probably for as long as you'll live - and is well under your budget. They are simple, reliable and accurate, you will probably never need more from a rifle.

If you want to spend more money there are many other makes available.

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another for the cz452, unless you want the feel or extra qualitiy in your hands. i couldnt spend much more, so i didn't and my rifle hits rabbits and kills them. it works and im happy but dont be swayed by that, as other more expencive look feel and perform better, if not marginally :good: if you can try before you buy i'd reccomend. if you ever down my way, pm and your welcome to try my cz452 :good:

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right guys looks like a cz"s won it handsdown :yes: can anyone

tell me what the benifits are with a long or short barrel

and thanks for the invight rabbit stu but theres a gunshop

in street that states (try before you buy on my range)

and he stock cz"s o and the quietist mod what would be best

thanks gents :good:

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I've not handled the synthetic stocks, personally I'd go for wood and stick a boyds thumbhole on it for £120 im a bit biased though as thats what ive done, if you can't find a sako mod everyone seems to rate sak's highly either would do the job.


I'd see if I could pick up a decent secondhand rifle and put anything you save towards your scope.

Edited by bicykillgaz
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I went with 16" heavy barrel varmint cz452. Cracking gun but lack of comb is proving annoying now I have a big scope. Planning on a boyds thumbhole



The thumbhole stock feels great its a really natural position for me and he stock looks great too and comes fully finished/inleted unlike a lot of uk based stocks.

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I bought a cz452 with a 20'' barrel that the dealer couldn't shift because everybody wants short 16' ' ones. It was brand new and had sat on the rack for a year. I got it for £125 cheaper than I could find a new one in 16''. The barrel is being cut down in a few weeks to suit the new over barrel mod that I have on order and is costing £45!


With the over barrel mod on the total length will only be about 17'' and the gun, chopping and mod is cheaper than a 16'' version.

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On a .22lr having a shorter barrel tends to be an advantage as it makes the rifle lighter and less clumsy, without losing pressure which can occur with higher velocity calibres.

16" is a good length, though shorter is still OK. It doesn't usually cost a fortune to get a barrel shortened if you can only easily get a long one.

At least with CZ's you can get thumb-hole stocks, wood and synthetic, so there is something for everybody.

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Hiya,just had to put up a pic of my cz 452,wearing her boyd,s stock,along with her sister Howa .204,wearing her boyd,s,you may notice i like the royal jacranda colour,,put thousand,s of round,s through her,and she never misses a beat,if the bunnie run,s,i missed,good solid,do the job,acurate rifle,mate has the same rifle,dont be tempted by a heavy barrel version,you dont need the extra weight,it serves no purpose at all,,mine is a 16" style version452,oki doki,,ian


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