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Benefits advice please


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Evening gents,


I had an accident at work last Friday, which resulted in my biceps tendon 'snapping'.





I was taken to A&E and x-rayed, then told to come back Wednesday to see the consultant.


Long story short, I'm booked in to have an operation next Tuesday, and if all goes well I should be out within a day. So far, so good. But I have a big problem.


I've been told that I probably won't be able to work for a minimum of 3 months after the operation, and my company have no sickness/injury scheme in place. All they're paying me is SSP, about £85 a week I think.


Has anyone been in a similar situation?


Any idea what I might be entitled to in benefits? I've been trying to get through to my local job centre this afternoon, was on hold for nearly 2 hours before giving up!! :sly:


Any help much appreciated. :good:

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There might be other benefits available such as housing benefit from the borough council?

Short term disability living allowance to help cope with travel costs (to/fro hospital for example)


Providing you weren't being an **** at work You may have a case for a Personal Injury claim against your employers ?


Best place to ask probably Citizens Advice Bureau ?

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All company's have a duty of care, if this was at work and you were injured doing your normal duties and following procedure then there is a good chance you are entitled to paid sick as a minimum. I would make sure that the accident book at work is completed and then either speak with the hr or take advice from citizens advice to get your options clear. If one of my guys got hurt I would ensure they were looked after but that's just me.

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All company's have a duty of care, if this was at work and you were injured doing your normal duties and following procedure then there is a good chance you are entitled to paid sick as a minimum. I would make sure that the accident book at work is completed and then either speak with the hr or take advice from citizens advice to get your options clear. If one of my guys got hurt I would ensure they were looked after but that's just me.


That's what I thought. :hmm:


The accident occurred while carrying out my normal duties, no horseplay or messing about involved.

The accident book has been completed.


Seems like a trip to CAB on Monday then. Hopefully they'll put me straight.


It's only a small company, so we don't have a HR dept. I spoke to the boss this morning and it was him who told me that SSP is all I'm getting. :/


Thanks for the reply. :good:


Shoehorn, I live on my own so no probs there :)

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I think ssp or incapacity is all you're entitled to from the benefits agency, paid via your boss, you should also get housing benefit and council tax benefit depending on income and savings, but these are from your local council, get in there quick cos they usually won't back date any claim.

and get well soon :good:

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Good luck with it Poontang. :good:


If you need a bed bath, hand relief or your bottom wiping I will send Mungler round.


The arm looks painful, but why are you wearing a basque :hmm: :hmm: :P :P

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Good luck with it Poontang. :good:


If you need a bed bath, hand relief or your bottom wiping I will send Mungler round.


The arm looks painful, but why are you wearing a basque :hmm: :hmm: :P :P


I'll be in plaster from shoulder to fingers for the first 2/3 weeks so I've been trying to do things with just my left hand/arm recently.


Bathing...........OK :good:


Hand relief.......OK :good:


Bottom wiping.....MESSY :o

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I'll be in plaster from shoulder to fingers for the first 2/3 weeks so I've been trying to do things with just my left hand/arm recently.


Bathing...........OK :good:


Hand relief.......OK :good:


Bottom wiping.....MESSY :o


I note you avoided the basque question.


I assumed that the answer would be something like "It was a Wednesday". :)

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Evening gents,


I had an accident at work last Friday, which resulted in my biceps tendon 'snapping'.





I was taken to A&E and x-rayed, then told to come back Wednesday to see the consultant.


Long story short, I'm booked in to have an operation next Tuesday, and if all goes well I should be out within a day. So far, so good. But I have a big problem.


I've been told that I probably won't be able to work for a minimum of 3 months after the operation, and my company have no sickness/injury scheme in place. All they're paying me is SSP, about £85 a week I think.


Has anyone been in a similar situation?


Any idea what I might be entitled to in benefits? I've been trying to get through to my local job centre this afternoon, was on hold for nearly 2 hours before giving up!! :sly:


Any help much appreciated. :good:

where there's a blame there's a claim

hope you get better soon chap



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I'll be in plaster from shoulder to fingers for the first 2/3 weeks so I've been trying to do things with just my left hand/arm recently.


Bathing...........OK :good:


Hand relief.......OK :good:


Bottom wiping.....MESSY :o


The inability to wipe ones behind with the "wrong" hand is one of life's mysteries :look:



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there used to be a website calld DDLG, they knew everything about claims, law,benefits, alsorts of stuff, as it was run by police,lawyers, goverment workers, you can/could just put questions on and get answers from people who know, in the past its been very very helpfull to me and its free, i guess its like a internet CAB.


good luck mate.



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If it comes to it the try Acas.



I've used ACAS in the past, and they're very good.


I don't really want to go down that route just yet though.


My boss was pretty apologetic but they just don't have a policy that covers illness/injury.

I don't know many small businesses that do nowadays. I think the **** was kicked out of it years ago. <_<

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