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Traffic Police dont like you telling them off!!!


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Oh and unapalomablanca you've obviously never worked at road accidents and other roadside incidents with blue lights on mate! They cause loads of accidents EVERY year with people paying WAY more attention to the incident than the road, causing carnage and death on a regular basis!

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Oh that's where I have been going wrong. Next time I'm at a collision particularly on a fast road and probably at night I' ll make sure that my blue lights are switched off. I'll make sure that ambulance and fire do the same. Wouldn't want to give other motorists / rubberneckers any advance warning , as they speed towards me at 70 mph that the road may be blocked.

Of course its the emergency services causing more incidents not the rubbernecking drivers more intent on catching a glimpse of carnage rather than watching where they are going.

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Oh that's where I have been going wrong. Next time I'm at a collision particularly on a fast road and probably at night I' ll make sure that my blue lights are switched off. I'll make sure that ambulance and fire do the same. Wouldn't want to give other motorists / rubberneckers any advance warning , as they speed towards me at 70 mph that the road may be blocked.

Of course its the emergency services causing more incidents not the rubbernecking drivers more intent on catching a glimpse of carnage rather than watching where they are going.



Rubber necking drives me mental. Hit a queue about a half a mile long on my way to work the other day. As I moved along it I saw the lights on the other carriageway. Fair enough I thought, maybe a cars sat on the barrier or maybe gone over... No! Some poor bloke had been knocked off his motorbike and all the idiots on my carriageway were bloody gawking!

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Don't be stupid ozzy518!!! You know as well as me that whilst the blue lights clearly protect us at the scene they also turn Joe Bloggs public into blinkered morons at times! They end up trying to watch the action rather than the road ahead causing even more accidents! If you've never had that happen to you then share your secret mate, because I've lost count over the last 20+years!!!

That was clearly the point I was making!

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I'm not generally into ripping plod but hands up how many people have driven on to a safe spot such as a layby for a blue light police stop - but plod seems fit to keep the blues on even when the road is clear?


When we had the last heavy snow fall there was a particular location where several twits in BMW's who simply could not get traction, so held up all the following traffic on a minor inclination. A marked up patrol car was about five cars behind but did'nt seem interested in helping said motorists in distress even though they could go nowhere else.


Me - MR. Taxi Driver, who had the foresight to invest in winter tyres foe his front wheel drive Galaxy decided to go up onto the virgin snow over the grass just next to the road to pass them with my passengers onboard. Sacre-bleu - on went the blues for a rollickin which I mostly took rather that risk my ticket, but I'd already primed my passengers to give them the grief I could'nt.


After said rollickin I got off the grass - but in front of the twits in the Beamers.

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Oh that's where I have been going wrong. Next time I'm at a collision particularly on a fast road and probably at night I' ll make sure that my blue lights are switched off. I'll make sure that ambulance and fire do the same. Wouldn't want to give other motorists / rubberneckers any advance warning , as they speed towards me at 70 mph that the road may be blocked.

Of course its the emergency services causing more incidents not the rubbernecking drivers more intent on catching a glimpse of carnage rather than watching where they are going.



Well said than man, as a serving Cambs officer with one of, if not the worst roads in the country (A14) I'll do the same as Ozzy and switch all my emergency equipment, just so that rubberknackers (not a typo) don't get distracted from trying to see someone in pain or dying.


As said before, people who haven't a clue about the police really shouldn't post.... unless of course you would like to give me a laugh at your wisdom.


If the officers were parked in an inappropriate manner (and thats just your side of the story... I have yet to see evidence...) then make a complaint to the local station and not post on here.... just another pointless police bashing thread imo.





Damn you Tony for adding a dose of normality! :lol:


Anyway,when are Cambs getting their fleet of Hummers?



Hummers already here Steve, Bugatti Veyrons here next week along with the Apache gunship anti rubberknacker heli patrol unit :lol:

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As said before, people who haven't a clue about the police really shouldn't post.... unless of course you would like to give me a laugh at your wisdom.


Is that because all the police never do ANYTHING wrong?


must be nice being right ALL the time



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Is that because all the police never do ANYTHING wrong?


must be nice being right ALL the time




No, don't be silly.... its because if you have a complaint, go to the police station..... coppers, as everyone does, get things wrong from time to time.... just seems when they do, its on here 5 minutes later. Where are the endless threads about shoddy builders, or waiting 2 weeks for a doctors appointment?


Posting your complaint on here, doesn't solve the issue that a police officer has, in your opinion, done something wrong... where's the learning in that?


Happy Days :D

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i had a grumble at 2 mounted police who where goin the wrong way down a one way street in Blackpool the other day after me ranting at them blocking the who road they appologised and turned around!! who gives a **** if he is on a horse with a badge on his chest he still has to abide by the laws of the land!! A$$HOLES!!! :blink:

Edited by beeredup
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I pulled up on a yellow line, to pop in and grab a sandwich, a traffic car pulled up behind me, I apologised and said I would move it, he asked "why? Im here for a butty too mate,"


he realised I wasnt causing a problem, and was ok with it,

last year in the snow, I was powersliding my disco on an industrial estate, a cop stopped me asking what I thought I was doing, my reply? Im playing, he just laughed and said ok ****** off home then.


not all police are bad, your attitude to them can change the way you are treated.

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I pulled up on a yellow line, to pop in and grab a sandwich, a traffic car pulled up behind me, I apologised and said I would move it, he asked "why? Im here for a butty too mate,"


he realised I wasnt causing a problem, and was ok with it,

last year in the snow, I was powersliding my disco on an industrial estate, a cop stopped me asking what I thought I was doing, my reply? Im playing, he just laughed and said ok ****** off home then.


not all police are bad, your attitude to them can change the way you are treated.


Thank you my friend.... Now where's that ticket you asked me to rip up? :lol: :yp:

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i had a grumble at 2 mounted police who where goin the wrong way down a one way street in Blackpool the other day after me ranting at them blocking the who road they appologised and turned around!! who gives a **** if he is on a horse with a badge on his chest he still has to abide by the laws of the land!! A$$HOLES!!! :blink:


You had a grumble and they turned around after apologising. How does that make them ####s ???

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well why would they be going the wrong way down a one way street in the first bloody place?? in the middle of the road?


well for starters i nearly dropped my mobile phone in my cappuchino!! and my sandwich almost fell off my knee when i had to stop for them!! :P

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I used to go out with a lady cop many years ago, many many years ago, I was given a buisiness card of the inspector with a written note on the rear, saying to call him,

he said it was a get out of jail free card,

I lost it. :lol:


probably a third of the lads in my class at school joined the force,

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just bugged me that they were riding irresponsibly in a built up area its only the same as a member of public riding a horse the wrong way along a one way street i am sure there are plenty of copper who would have some thing to say about that? so why should the police not be seen to be leading by example

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well for starters i nearly dropped my mobile phone in my cappuchino!! and my sandwich almost fell off my knee when i had to stop for them!! :P


Ah well you didn't say that, nothing worse than being put off your food and drink when trying to drive. No consideration some people :lol:

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if it had been a blackpool black cab that had come around the corner at their usual mach4 speed they would of been 2 extinct mounted police officers!! they were lucky it was a grumpy fat bloke instead :unsure:


Ah well you didn't say that, nothing worse than being put off your food and drink when trying to drive. No consideration some people :lol:


i nearly got indegestion!!

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just bugged me that they were riding irresponsibly in a built up area its only the same as a member of public riding a horse the wrong way along a one way street i am sure there are plenty of copper who would have some thing to say about that? so why should the police not be seen to be leading by example


This crime is just everywhere.... an epidemic some would say :yp: :o


Please tell me the coppers were munching on an ice cream as they rode down the street..... PLEASE :lol:

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