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Triple a's, what to be used for

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Hi all, my mate has just stopped shooting, medical reasons, anyhow he has given me 4 boxes of aaa size shot 32 gram. He got given these by a farmer to help with foxes, just wondering if they are any good for anything else. Gamebore Buffalo special load, 12g.

Regards John

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I carry a pair of AAA on my belt to use in my combi gun. If I have to track a deer into thick cover I always load one because they will knock down pretty much anything at close range and are safer than a rifle if the deer runs to a position I wouldn't be happy letting the rifle off.


The pattern is poor. I wouldn't have any faith in them beyond 20 yards or so. To be honest for foxing you'd be better off with a load of BB or #1 and they also go on my belt. 2x36gAAA, 3x42g1 and 20x30g6. If you want to use them up though they'll go right through a fox at close range. :good:

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My combi has a half choke and fires them ok. Be careful of firing them at solid objects like thick branches if there are other shooters/people around, they can ricochet and are going to hurt a lot more than a game load if they bounce off and hit someone.

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Tks for the info everyone, i will use them on charlie and dreys, i use a 1/4 and 1/2 choke in my o/u i assume this would be ok for these cart's.



Pattern test one first, you might be surprised how fast the pattern opens up. No5 are fine for dreys and work well through a choke.

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AAA's and larger work best with minimum choke. I've found cylinder to be best. Anything tighter than quarter choke starts to spoil the pattern. Best to fire a couple off through your gun at an old 45 gallon drum or something like that and it'll give you a good idea of how they perform. They do hit very hard though. I don't think half choke is ideal for these. Just my opinion but I've fired a good few of em.

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