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Whats the point of working sometimes

leeds chimp

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4. Three or four pages in WelshLamb indicated that she "doesn't have a sperm count" and we appear to gave gone a further 8 pages without anyone offering to rectify the situation. :lol: Have we all grown up or something ?



:lol: That did make oy larf!!

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Referring to OP let's not forget by being at work there is always the (admittedly possibly slim) chance of a payrise, promotion, or the offering of a better job. You are also building experience and contacts for the future.


On the dole you will have none of these possible advantages as well as having been out of the working world for however many years. As the saying goes, it's easier to get work when you've got work (or in a job)

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I see that jobs being taken by migrant workers has been mentioned a couple of times.......well at work we grow 150 acres of potatoes, all of which have to go over a grading machine between leaving my harvester and going into store, we have in the past advertised locally for 4 people to come and stand on the grading machine with limited success so we now use a group called HOPS who bring over easren European labour for the fruit picking and potato season and look after them while they are here, and from what some of the Bulgarians we had 2 years ago told us they need looking after with how they get treated by some farmers.


When we did advertise 4 years ago we had a few applicants


1) A local girl from two miles away fed up with no job came and worked with us for a full potato harvest season, she then came back in freezing temperaturtes during December and January to help us grade the potatoes back out of store, there is still the offer of work here for her should she want it each season but she now works full time.


2) Another girl from 10 miles away, came for the first four days then said she needed to have a couple of hours off on the Friday morning, when asked why it was so she could sign on, turned out she also didn't want to be paid by BACS. Her employment was terminated at that point.


3)Local lad came for one day and was sacked at the end of it for stealing potatoes, he was told he could have the outgrades but when they were tipped out to share amongst grading staff the bag was full of good bakers in the bottom. He had also been poking about in the workshop and through tools during the day so we couldn't trust him


4) A lad from the village who has never worked a day in his life yet manages to have a severe addiction to weed, alcohol and fags alng with a reputation for being light fingered so we wouldn't entertain him.



The advert was run in the job centre and local press for another week but no one else applied so we now stick to using migrant labour as its far easier than trying to find locals. Yes the job involves 7am-7pm 5 days a week with 7am-5pm on a Saturday and 7am-3pm on A Sunday but they are paid above minimum wage and overtime for it. Every year the workers we do have ask to return as we treat them so well and as part of the "family" yet we can't find locals who want to do the job, go figure.

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iv heard this before they did a tv show on this where they got english people to do the jobs the migrants did and they either couldnt do it , didnt want to do it or messed the job up badly. go figure?



yeap i saw that too......it was in lincolnshire and those two men who were unemployed weren't upto the job of picking veg.....and they also complained that they were losing money by working .....thats the problem, benefits are too high (inlcudes what you dont have to pay for not what you get given alone) and wages too low.....meaning the motivation to get stuck in isn't there


Leeds chimp what does the acronym SWMBO stand for?

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yeap i saw that too......it was in lincolnshire and those two men who were unemployed weren't upto the job of picking veg.....and they also complained that they were losing money by working .....thats the problem, benefits are too high (inlcudes what you dont have to pay for not what you get given alone) and wages too low.....meaning the motivation to get stuck in isn't there


Leeds chimp what does the acronym SWMBO stand for?

:good: :good:

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renewed the tax credits last week and got the letter today to confirm it all.

Since i did overtime last year to make up for what i lost when i was off with my eye operations and i earnt a bit more than i thought i would.


They have deducted £130 a month off the payment. Thats near enough what i get paid before tax for the 2 shifts extra i was doing. Whats the point of doing the extra if i actually lose more money doing It? Thats the problem with the whole benefit system. Taking money away for people that WANT to work hard to get a better life.


Would be better off if myself and partner were on the dole or just did not work as many hours each

silpig5, on 09 July 2012 - 08:13 PM, said:

you aint got the cash to do it this time round ! :lol:

leeds chimp, on 09 July 2012 - 08:14 PM, said:

you are right there as it will be the end of the month so skint unless some CiH work comes along . :oops:



so where does tax credits and benefits come from if everybody did cih jobs ? sorry to bring it up and rub it in but you cant have it both ways !!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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that's a little harsh, he probably scrimped and scraped for months to get the cash together for those. And another thing, all work and no play make jack a dull boy, why can't he can have a hobby? if he was on the dole he'd probably have a new motor sat out in the drive. bottom line is everyone with kids is entitled to these child benefits regardless of whether they need it or not, unfortunately matt you made the mistake of being too honest, i remember back when i used to work at the foundry, every time someone had their child benefit/family credit audit due, they'd stop doing any overtime and maybe take the odd day off to boot just to cut the wage packet down.

ummm! you do cash in hand work, i take it all back, you're not so honest afterall. now go stand in the naughty corner! :lol:

just a thought matt, remember when you got your car payout? did you not think about doing a training course or something to improve the old job prospects? you've been in this situation for a few years now :good:

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ummm! you do cash in hand work, i take it all back, you're not so honest afterall. now go stand in the naughty corner! :lol:

just a thought matt, remember when you got your car payout? did you not think about doing a training course or something to improve the old job prospects? you've been in this situation for a few years now :good:

looked into a few IT courses and other night ones at Easton college as already done NVQ Level 2 in customer service but a few bills had to be paid first and the hours for the classes did not fit into my job. Adi will agree here but gone are the days when you got the brown envelope at the end of the shift and I would not do door work again unless i really had no choice and as a very very last resort.


Once the little one is 3 then things will be alot easier as wont have to pay out the childcare and nojobn the middle of rejigging the mortgage

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